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We have discussed many times in our previous articles how the unisex clothes were created. The rise of unisex clothes is strongly related to the role of women in society. As women stared to have more power, they also started to wear men’s clothes. Nowadays there is a huge variety of unisex clothes and accessories, from the trousers and jeans to different kind of suits. When it comes to shirts, we have to note that they are different kind of shirts, such as the classy and official shirts, as well as the casual T shirts. They quite often are designed unisex, so as both men and women can wear them quite actively. However, the shirts in general look different on men and women. The reason of this is that both men and women have quite different body types and shapes. SO it is not news that the same piece of cloth can look really different on men and women. Actually that is the cool part about the unisex clothes. If you really want to see the difference of men and women, you should find some cool unisex clothes.  It is quite exciting to see the woman and the man in the same cloth. Besides this, the difference also comes from the idea that both men and women wear it differently. So let’s now find out the main difference.

When it comes to the ordinary and not the official shirts, then we would definitely say that this kind of shirts look very casual on men. They give the men very simple and at the same time very natural look. The ordinary shirts and T shirts are something that most of the men like and find to be very comfortable. So as you can see it is quite natural that men should look very natural and casual in ordinary casual shirts. Besides this, the unisex casual shirts look more masculine than feminine.

While the same ordinary and casual shirts give women the masculine vibes. Women look more masculine in the men’s shirts and less natural. Actually if the woman wears casual and ordinary unisex shirt, she has to be very careful because it is extremely easy to make a mistake here and just end up looking boring, uninteresting and more masculine. When women try to wear unisex clothes, they always hope to look interesting and sexy, but not boring.

When it comes to the official look which you can get by the help of official classy shirt, things immediately get changed. It is quite natural for a woman to be seen in official white shirt. So if the man wants to change something in his look and wants to do it with the help of classy shirt, then he has to choose a riskier color. Unisex shirts do offer wide variety of different official shirts. The pink or rosy color can be just perfect for every man. This color will change the strictness of men and at the same time will really make the man look interesting and fine. The color will break the boring and very usual vibes of the look.

On the contrast with this, we would say that there is nothing sexier than a woman who wears unisex classy and official shirt. The unisex official shirt is something ever man wants to see on every woman. This kind of gives women interesting feeling. Women become stronger, but at the same time very feminine. They look sexy and risky, at the same time very naive and classy. This is a very controversial combination, however it is loved by everyone absolutely. Besides the classy shirt that women wear can be really strict and masculine, but they put so much feminism and softness, that they become very hot in it.

SO as you can see, unisex shirts can also be quite good choice for both men and women. However you should know where to wear the unisex shirts and how to wear them. The unisex official and classy shirts look on women better than the casual shirts. While both shirts can look very good on men. The only thing is that both should be a little bit riskier.

Ani Mkrtchyan, a child of 3 nation, editor-in-chief of fashion of TTM. She will help your with your fashion tips. SHe is not ony into fashion but she writes articles on serious issues also, like politics. SHe is a student of BS of Polticial Science. I am a young, enthusiastic girl, a hardworking and strong-willed one, who sets goals and tries her best to reach them and who wants to be professional in everything she does. My dream is to make a good career on my own and become a successful woman step by step.