(c) Can Stock Photo / AndreyPopov
Indeed divorce is a phenomenon which makes everyone unhappy and sad. The couple spent some time together, they married and some even had children. However, divorces are unfortunately very common nowadays and many and many people get divorced year by year. This is indeed very sad because there are many reasons why the families divorce and in reality no one can help it. Sometimes it is not possible to save the family because the reasons of divorce are too strong. Sometimes the couple tries to save the family in order to provide the children with full family model. However, this in its turn may have some causes on children. Now let’s understand how it all happens.
First of all many parents just decide not to divorce because they think that divorce will affect the life of the teenage child. This is of course true. It is appreciable that parents can make such decisions for the sake of their children. However being formally called a family who lives together, and being a real family is different. If you keep the family but you quarrel and fight all the time, it will also affect the teenager’s life, mental, emotional and psychological sphere. So if you can have a good family, not divorce and have the family you want to have, where people love and care about each other, then that would be a great decision. However, if the family is going to be full of misunderstandings, quarrels and fights, then you will have to divorce, because that will make the teenager’s life even sadder seeing you always fight.
Indeed divorce is not the best solution, but sometimes it is the only possible way. Many parents wonder whether it will affect greatly on the teenager or not. Of course the divorce will emotionally, psychologically and mentally affect the teenage particularly. The thing is that teenagers pass into difficult stage of their lives and therefore divorce will be a double pressure on them.
The teenage emotionally will down because she or he may see many complete and good families around, and he or she may think why he is not lucky enough to have the both parents in one family. This may also psychologically make the child think that he or she is worse than other teenagers, and will lead to law self-esteem. This in its turn will have its negative emotional impact. The teenager will cry a lot, will think that he is lonely in the world and that even parents do not care about him.
Most of the teenagers blame their parents for the divorce and this is another psychological side effect. The thing is that children fear that parents do not love them and when they divorce, this feeling may become stronger. They may be scared that their parents are not interested in them and they are just alone in this world with no support absolutely. When they are still teens, this kind of feeling continues to last for a period of time, but then when they become adults, they start to understand parents more and justify their decisions. However when they are teenagers they really have this strong emotional feeling that they are lonely and this makes them strongly be depressed.
Most of the teenagers also fear of communicating with peers and friends because they feel ashamed that their parents got divorced. This is another big issue as well, which makes them feel deeply down and stressed.
Actually divorce can easily affect the way the teenagers is communicating with friends, can affect with the choice of friends, can affect the way the teenager is performing schools and many other things as well. So if you want your teenager have a full life, then do not divorce and save your family by all means. However, if you know that the family is not going to enjoy a good atmosphere and that there will always be some major issues and fights inside the family, then you really have to divorce in order not to let the teenager suffer even more and see parents fighting all the time. In fact divorce is a huge stress for a y teenagers and even if you divorce both of you, the father and mother should always be by teen’s side.