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Ghosts. They are very much talked about, they are many and many documentaries about the issue whether they exist or not. This is a very controversial topic and a matter of large talks and discussions. Some people believe in ghosts, and are afraid of them. For example, when they want to buy a new house, they examine the history of it to make sure that there are no ghosts living there. While others are clinging to the opinion that ghosts are just an ill imagination and nothing more than that. They believe that ghosts do not exist and it is just something made up for fun in movies and cartoons, which people started believing in and transferred to reality. At first, we may think that really, it is just imagination and nothing serious, but there are people who assume that they did see and meet ghosts. So as we see not everything is that easy.
Permanently we see the list of scary houses with ghosts, or we hear scary and freaky stories about some miserable transparent creatures. So is this just an imagination or reality?
On scientific ground there is not still enough evidence to assume that ghosts really exist. However, ghosts are not a new thing. If we go back in time we will see that actually the idea or the illusion or whatever we may call it related to ghosts have been existing for a very long time. Even in Shakespeare’s Macbeth you will meet ghosts. SO this means that even in middle ages and even before that people believed that there very some ghosts or dark creatures that were involved in dark activities. They could cease the life of a person with cutting the so called thread of life, or doing other kind of magic to the people they do not like. In people’s imagination these dark creatures are often messed up with black magic.
On contrast with this, there are people who believe that ghosts exist, but they are not involved in black magic or some other misery, but they are the spirits of dead people, who are not bad in reality, and do not want to harm us. They are just flying around the places that they lived in, or they want to attend those who are very close to them before their death, their relatives or friends.
There are also some photos that people have taken. In these photos you can see white lights. Some say those white lights are ghosts in realty and they are in that photo because they are somehow connected to the place the photo was taken in, or one of the people in photo was close to them.
Others tend to believe that ghosts do exist, however they differentiate between good and bad ones. Bad ones are those who we are afraid of and actually we should be afraid of them, because these people think that they are involved with black magic, which can affect them. However, the good ones are just ghost who will not harm anyone. They are just living their ghost life, flying around.
Most of the horror movies are based on ghosts. In those movies ghosts are depicted as creatures which are able to kill people, which scare people and have the power of damaging them. Even if ghosts exist in reality, are they able to commit these kinds of things to human beings? Do they have so much power?
I myself believe that ghosts may exist in real life, but I do not think that they can harm us. They may harm us, but not intentionally. Just because ghosts are depicted in movies and in articles as dark and freaky creatures, we are afraid of them. Seeing them we may be scared and shocked. This is how they can harm us. Just scare us. In reality, they may not be bad at all. This is kind of a matter of coverage and propaganda I think. People so much are heard that ghosts are bad and harmful creatures, being able to harm and damage us, that they are scared of them. In reality, this coverage may be just to make things funnier for movies, for example, because this may benefit to the number of views, to the rate. In reality they may be not bad at all.
Actually the issue of the existence of ghosts is pretty much connected with the issue of what happens to people after death. If we have spirits and those spirits are being separated from people after death, then it is very likely that ghosts exist. So the study of all these issues includes science. Science did not find enough evidence yet, to assume that ghosts exist. Is it actually more difficult to study proving that ghosts exist or to prove that ghosts do not exist? It seems that scientists do not believe them existing, and what by all means to prove that they do not. They believe it is superficiality.
Despite the opinion, of science and the scientific researches, more and more people start to believe. Why? The reason for that is their personal experience. Most of them assume to have seen or to have felt the presence of ghosts. People believe that ghosts are living in hospitals or in former military camps, because these places are where people die the most.
Those who assume that they had personal experience with ghosts may have some psychological problems, but I think that most of them do not lie, and that they could have had some deals with ghosts.
Many people, photographs went crazy into the topic of ghosts and went for some researched to old hospitals, to dated blocks and have never returned the same from there. This may be just a result of their fear, not because ghosts did something. When you’re going somewhere in search of ghost, even a little sound, single movement of a leave will make you think it is the ghosts. SO thinking this way, some people go mad. It is nothing more than just the imagination and fear, but I still believe that not many people, but some may have seen ghosts.
The most famous hospital, where many go for haunt of ghosts is situated in Johannesburg. This is an outdated hospital, which does not function now. There is no electricity in this hospital. The rooms are empty or full of old machines which cannot function, everything is broken, even the windows. The hospital was simply closed down, but there was no explanation for public the reason of closing it. People say it is because the hospital was full of ghosts, so the government closed it. The government also thinks about demolishing the building. This is actually really weird because the public did not hear any kind of explanation.
So as we see, there is still much to observe over the topic of ghosts existing or not. I personally think that ghosts exist, but there are not that bad as we think. The TV shows, horror movies convinced us that they are dark creatures, but the reality can be very different. Right now there is not much scientific proof about ghosts, but shall we believe the science? I think-no.