cuisine: Greek

Timing: less than one hour

Cooking level: easy

Nutrition: law

If you are fed up with heavy and greasy or oily meals, if you are tired or all the sandwiches, meat and stuff like that, it is the right time to go for salads. Salads are very important part of any cuisine. Unlike the dishes made of meat, fish, or other tricky products, salads are everyone’s absolutely favorite, especially when it is vegetable salad. They are light, tasty and rich in different vitamins that provide the energy for the whole day. If you want to lose your weigh, they are just to the point. Besides, vegetable salads are less controversial and both vegetarians and non-vegetarians can eat them. 

Salads as already mentioned before have lots of benefits, among them is that they are extremely good for health. 

SO which cuisine is full of vegetable salads? Definitely the Greek one. Greeks love vegetables, cheese and bread. Therefore their cuisine is rich in these kinds of ingredients and among them different fresh salads. 

So to make the easiest salad probably found in the world and also the tastiest one we need just few ingredients. This salad has taken the name Greek and it is made up of vegetables and is super healthy. At the same time it is nutritious for the vitamins it contains and also it is super quick to make.

Thus to make this amazing dish we need to have

4 large tomatoes

1 or 2 cucumber 

½ red onions

16-20 kalamata olive

85-100 gram of feta cheese

4-5 teaspoon of olive oil

As you can see we have not so many ingredients and the ingredients can easily be found anywhere.

So all we will have to do is to take a big jar, take the 4 tomatoes, wash them and cut in irregular way, as you like. Then we wash the cucumber, peel it and cut in cubes or again in irregular way. We take the onion, wash and cut in “half-moon” shape. Then it is time for feta cheese. You should cut it into cubes and add all to the big jar we have. For the last we add the kalamata olive and add the 4-5 teaspoon of olive oil. You can season the salad with salt if you want, but the traditional and classic version of the salad lacks salt, because of the presence of cheese in the salad. 

Doing so your salad is ready. The next step is to take a big plate and eat the salad. You can eat it with bread, white or black, does not matter. 

As you can see, this salad is super easy to make, it is very quick and very healthy. It is like a snack that will take just 15 minutes to make or even less. You can make this salad for supper just because t is light, and you will be able to sleep normally at nights. It will not add your weight but at the same time you will not feel hunger as it is full of vitamins that will provide you tons of energy and good mood.

Enjoy your Greek salad.

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