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When you are expecting your child you should now be the happiest but at the same time nervous person in the world. Being a conscious person, you understand that baby is not just changing the diapers and buying some toys to be played. You know that baby is a responsibility, you are now becoming an example for a person and its further development, education. And if you know all of this, you may have already started the reading and learning all of the do’s and don’ts of your pregnant period. One of the most vital things, that should be followed while pregnant, is the healthy food. You probable already know that those nine months is the period that you should provide a complete healthy food to your child (well, or at least as much as possible).

Speaking about that, we have separated the foods which you should avoid during the pregnancy:

Raw Eggs

Did you know that raw eggs or the eggs which are not well cooked may bring to the exposure of the bacteria called salmonella? Don’t worry. If you are egg lover, we are not telling you to refuse them totally, just making sure that the eggs are properly cooked will be enough and safe.


Caffeine is believed to be reason for the calcium loss. As a future mother, you may know, however, that calcium is one of the most important things for the future development of the baby, so try to give your choice to other beverages. Water, juice, milk – those 3 things are really amazing for your baby and for you. Besides being healthy, those are also a great way to gaining energy, strengthening your immune system and digesting the food easily.


You knew this one, Right? No news here. Alcohol may bring to various development disorders, that is why it is strictly recommended to avoid it while pregnancy. In case, you didn’t know that you are pregnant and used alcohol don’t stress yourself thinking what you should do. The only action to be overtaken now is to stop consuming alcohol. And yes, you’ll have to refuse consuming alcohol during the breastfeeding period as well.


Everything not washed properly

You may have thought that you are always washing the vegetables, fruits etc. before eating, but now when you are pregnant, you should double wash everything you eat. One of the most famous diseases of the world, toxoplasmosis, may be the result of a bad washed fruits or vegetables. This can pass from you to your baby, so don’t pity your time and wash everything carefully and at least twice. Your health is the most important thing now. Remember!



May sound strange to some of you, but you should know that soft cheeses may contain listeria (a genus of bacteria) which can harm both your and your child’s health. Don’t worry, this doesn’t refer to all of the types of cheese, only the soft ones.


This is a knowledge of common sense, that pregnant women are being very fastidious to food.  5 minutes ago you were thinking that you would like to have a pineapple, but now just changed your mind? Are you being too changeable in your mood and feelings? Don’t get focused on this. As soon as it concerns to food, you can treat yourself with the most of the things you love (just following the don’ts mentioned above).

To husbands: You don’t have other option then just coping with it and buying all the various, unpredictable things your wife will call and ask you to bring. And even sometimes, when you just want to turn off the telephone and go out from the supermarket with its tones of options for various staff, just remember that you are creators. Don’t let the everyday routine and unpredictable choices forget the magic that you are expecting.

Follow the small tips we have suggested and ensure the health of you and your baby.

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