Throughout the ages, black cats have been the subject of a variety of myths and folk tales. But there’s more to some of these legends than meets the eye. Here are five facts you may not have known about black cats.
Some cultures consider black cats to be lucky. Although the common stereotype in America is that black cats are unlucky, they are considered lucky in much of the UK and in Asia. In Japan, black cats are seen as being especially lucky for single women due to their supposed ability to attract suitors!
The Bombay is the only purely black cat breed. Although more than 20 different pure breeds for which black is an accepted color, registered Bombay cats can only be black. Bombays are bred to look like a miniature panther, so they are a great option for anyone looking for a pet that walks on the wild side.
Some “black” cats aren’t black. Some cats that appear to be black fall under a different color or pattern category, according to cat fanciers. For example, a cat whose fur is white at the root but black at the ends would be considered to have smoke coloring. Some cats thato appear black are blue, which is a type of gray.
The Egyptian goddess Bastet was often depicted in the form of a black cat. Bastet had the body of a woman, but the head of a lioness or cat. Many Egyptians believed that by keeping black cats in their household, they could increase their favor with Bastet. This is a large part of why cats were so revered in ancient Egypt.
Unfortunately black cats are the least adopted of all cat colors. This is due to a variety of reasons, such as superstition and the cat’s lack of flashiness or visual interest. But anyone who has had a black cat can tell you that they are just as loving and beautiful as any other cat, and some places hold a National Black Cat Day specifically to appreciate these under-appreciated animals.
No matter what people believed in the past, the truth is that black cats are no more lucky or unlucky than any other cat. Many cat lovers will tell you that cats of any color will bring you luck, joy, and happiness. If you have a cat in your life, then you are blessed with a wonderful companion — no matter what color it is!