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Today we are going to discuss which one is more rational to do, first to find the location for your business and then only find the idea perfect for it, or have the idea and then only find the location which is good for it. It is actually a very complicated thing because with different people who want to have different startups it is always different. In reality I think it must come naturally, if you first have the great idea then you should start with the idea and then only you should find the location, but sometimes people already have the location and they must find something according to that very location.
Now let’s understand which one is actually better.
- The thing is that when you have the location but you do not have the idea, you must find a perfect idea which is not always that good but is just suitable to your location. This is the disadvantage of having the location first because you might not have many options and just do something you can do with it, but it will not be something very creative or very good. So that is the main problem when it comes to having the location first. Usually very successful businesses when they were based first by location and then only they had the idea or plan are quite less in number. However, this is not a stereotype because some really successful businesses were in fact based on location first.
- The other version is that first we have the idea and then only we start looking for a location for the business. Of course this is really good because you can make your dreams come true. Once you have the idea, you can find the location which will perfectly suit to your idea, but then you have the location and you do not have the idea yet, then it might not be a perfect match.
- Besides this when you have the location and not the idea first, maybe your location is in really bad area but you decide to use it because it will keep you away from some external costs. In this case you will harm your startup because you did not evaluate location properly and therefore it can harm your vocation really much.
- Another thing which is really important to pay attention to, is that actually the location has to be really attractive and people can see it easily. It also depends on what kind of startup it is. However if the business is related to service then it is better if it is drawing attention. In that case you for sure will be able to work better and to have a better income and your business will turn out to be more successful.
- Another thing we should pay attention to is that actually if you first have the idea and then only you start finding your location then you will find the location on which you can realize all your plans and decorations, while if you choose the location that you already have then maybe there will be some things which cannot be changed and that will break your motivation and therefore your success also.
- The location is also very well interrelated with demand. If you have the location and if there is something that you can start and you know that it will be in high demand, then why not, you can start doing it. In this case the location will really turn to be working very well for you. If there is something like that to open in the area with high demand then just go for it.
- The last biggest problem with this can sound surprising but it is all about love and passion. If you have the location first maybe you will start doing something just according to the location but maybe you do not do it with love and passion but just for money. In this case there is no sense in doing that because work must make you happy, if it is not, then give it up.
As you can see there are quite many issues when it comes to the problem of location, because for some types of business it is really important to have an outstanding type of location. For some others it is not as important as they are not directly related to serving people and looking very well. So think very well about this issue and choose the one which is close to your heart. If your location is not pleasing to you then just choose another location and do not care that you already have a location. Everything which is done with love and passion has more chances to be successful.