(c) Can Stock Photo / dndavis

(c) Can Stock Photo / dndavis

There is some strong connection between male and female at any age. Since 4 or 5 boys already start to pay attention to girls, and girls in their turns like to make the boys like them. So this kind of relations are very typical to men and women always. When people are very young and when they are kinds, they are still in childhood and they have the most pure kind of feelings ever. However when they grow a little bit up and when they become teenagers, then things might get much more complicated. First of all the love of a teenager can be the first real love. In this case it will be really hard to stop or to cease it. On the other hand some teenagers just will be into some relationship games with no real and true feeling. In general the relationship of female and male when they are just teenagers is becoming something very playful. So now we will discuss what the female and male teen relations are like.

First of all this depends greatly on which teenage age they are. If the teenager newly became teenage, which means that they are around 11 or 12, the love can be a very pure one, just like the childhood love. However, on contrast with the childhood love, the love of teenager is much more tender. In this age boys can really love hard and tender, while girls may be romantically and blindly fall in love.

When teens grow a little bit up, that it they turn from 13-15, they become very superficial as a rule. All these pure loves usually fade away and they just start to show off and make impressions on girls. Girls on the other hand become really playful. They start liking the attention of boys and starting to tease them as well. This is another problem of this age. They play a very tricky game and usually do not behave quite well.

Then when they become older than 16 they usually tend to grow up and most often they already forget about the empty impressions and showing off. They just love to act naturally and they start caring for true feelings as well. This is the age where the guy starts to understand what kind of girls he really likes and what kind of girlfriends he wants. Girls on the other hand can really love at this age very much. They give place for the true feelings as well usually and they want to find one and only true love and boyfriend.

In any case the relations between female and male teens vary greatly. They just love to make impressions on each other, they often are very playful and superficial. Usually the very first sexual contact or kiss happens when the teens are teens and all these things are a part of their teenager relations.

Most of the parents get really mad when they find out that their teenage daughter or son has some kind of relations. Of course that is understandable because parents are worried about their children. On the other hand, there is no need to worry much, because soon or late the child has to feel all the differences of the opposite sex and if this happens early, the child will be more experienced and will understand what is good and what is bad for him or her. That is the reason why we think that teenager should have the freedom in male and female relationship when they are still teens.

The teenage relationships can be full of romantic acts, crazy actions and desperate love. They can also be the time when the female or male teenagers find out the main differences in each other, and technically and practically when they start to differentiate why she is she and why he is he. This is the age of the start of the chemistry between them two. There is nothing more beautiful then seeing teenage love which is pure and innocent. On the other hand, the teenage relationship plays can also be fun to watch because they reveal how female and male think differently even when they are still teens.

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