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No matter you are the mother or the father, you are anyway a parent, and if you are a good one, then for sure you will not want to spoil your children. Usually if the father is working and is most often busy, then he definitely will want to spend the whole spare time with kids and with son particularly. Usually these fathers who work and you are mostly busy and do not have opportunity to see their sons very often they tend to spoil their sons. The reason is that they really miss the sons and whenever they see the sons they want to do all as the sons want. This very often makes the son be spoiled.
However no parent wants in reality to spoil his son, because this may result in your son making a bad person. So now let’s see what can spoil your child and how not to spoil your son. Before starting we would like to tell you that with sons you have to be even more careful than with daughters, because
Sons get spoiled easier than daughter and if the son is spoiled that it will be very difficult to make him not spoiled then.
- Set certain rules and limits for the son. Teach him that he can have some things, but he should also know the right limits. Giving him anything you ask for can be really annoying and will definitely spoil your children. However, if you clearly set limits then he will appreciate things that you do for him and he will not ask for more. He will just be thankful and grateful.
- If you already set some limits and rules, that be loyal to them always. Keep the rules and the order. This will prevent the son becoming spoiled and besides that, he will really become more responsible and punctual.
- Never do something in ask for something else. If you do this thing to him that he will learn that people always do things in return of something. This in its turn will make him really spoiled and he will just do this to you when you become older.
- Some dads are so afraid to disappoint their sons that they literally do anything for them. This is really wrong, because your son will end up being even more spoiled than you thought. It will make you sad for sure, seeing him sad. However, if he is sad, then be just okay with it. He has to learn that not everything he desires to have he can have.
- Do praise your son but do not tell him that he is always speaking right. In this case he will tell whatever his mind blows and will talk without even thinking. While this is really wrong thing to do because all you want to do is teach your son how to think before speaking. So if he tells something which is not good to say, you had better tell him about it and get angry.
- If he does something wrong then get angry with him and show your angriness. He must really understand that he did something wrong. Moreover he must feel your strictness and must be even someone afraid of your strictness. That is why you should really get angry with him if he makes some serious troubles.
These were the most common things you need to know how to do in order not to spoil your son. For fathers it is very easy to spoil the sons. They adore them and try to encourage them. However, one should certainly differentiate between spoiling and encouraging. These are 2 completely different that should not be messed up with each other. Just follow our tips and make your own mind work on it. There are many ways how to control the child and prevent him being spoiled. The spoiled kid, especially the spoiled son is very dangerous for family. There is a risk that he will become even worse when he gets older. For this you just better watch out him and follow the tips we gave you. They will definitely help you not to spoil your son.