(c) Can Stock Photo / Paha_L
If you are practicing yoga for a little while and already know the benefits of it, most probably you will continue it for long years, because once tried, yoga becomes a lifestyle. And if had some family condition changes, like getting marries or had babies, most probably it would be difficult for you either to drop the yoga practice at all, or to continue it alone. Probably the times when your baby would like to eat something, or your husband will come back tired from the job, you won’t get enough time for yoga.
However, there is a great decision, which can be a helpful choice at a tough situation like this. And it is… the family yoga. If you feel like dropping the yoga practice is not an option for you, you can come to a conclusion with your family to have it all together. And it has several benefits.
- It makes you become closer – it seems that you are just spending time together, like as you could do while watching a film or cooking something. However, yoga does here more than anything else. When the whole family starts practicing yoga, first of all it combines you around a one idea. It gives you more time to spend together in silence, trying to find the peace together. While you are helping each other to do some difficult yoga poses, it makes you be more caring and attentive to each other, then maybe you were before.
- It keeps you in spirit and healthy – With everything else, health stays important. If you don’t have time for a gym and workouts, then yoga is an excellent solution. It shapes your body, strengthens your muscles, thus making you stronger in health and full with a spirit.
- It is especially good for your baby/ babies – Yoga is really great for your child’s physical development. The only thing you should do is choosing the right poses and the compared with the ones chosen for you, easier ones. Besides strengthening the physical condition of your baby, it also helps to the development of concentration and balance of a baby. You should agree, that those things being developed at an early age would hugely benefit in future.
- There is a little bit of challenge – It may be a little bit of a challenge to come to a conclusion of a whole family yoga. If your children don’t want to and agree to having a yoga with you, that’s okay. However, in its turn this challenge is important to be solved or overcome. And when done, you will feel even more attached to each other, then you were before. You will get a solution for it all together and having done so, you will surely enjoy the time you will spend together.
And with all of these benefits it is, of course, important to choose the right yoga poses for all of you. Let’s mention some of the yoga poses, which are good as for your family yoga start:
- Cat-cow stretching – easy to be done and start with
- Mountain pose – a standing pose which helps you with balancing your body
- Partner poses – if your child has difficulties with keeping the balance etc., try the partner yoga poses, such as the tree pose. This will help you more in getting into the process easily. Eagle pose is another partner pose which you can do with your children, if they have any difficult with the balance.
After choosing the best poses for you just start practicing it and getting spiritually ready for the other routines, like work, lessons and so on. With most of the daily things, don’t forget that family is the most important thing and the time spent with your family is never lost. So, try to find as much time as possible, come home and start practicing family yoga. Namaste!