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Poland. A county in Eastern Europe about which all of you for sure may have heard of.  We know that it is a country in Eastern Europe, having neighbors such as Ukraine, Germany, Belarus and other. However, Poland is the favorite country of many and many people. By the article we want to find out what is the reason of it. Why is the Poland considered to be the favorite one among most of the tourists and we are going to find out what is there in Poland about what we do not know.

Recently it becomes known that boasts the most winners of the strongest men of the world. This statement will definitely draw the attention of girls and women, and this explains why many girls just dream about appearing in Poland. Sure that is not the only reason because they are many more reason to prove that Poland is a great place.

Poles are the highest in number among those who saved Jews from the Holocaust.  This fact makes us believe that Poles are kind and really helpful. In fact during the Jews holocaust during World War the Second they rescued approximately 450000 Jews. That is really a big humanitarian act.

Poland is one the rare countries in the whole world, where the courteous hand-kissing still continuous to exist. Not only exist, but it is a common tradition and may people practice it. Again LOL!

Poland is the world’s biggest amber exporter. Great! Amber is beautiful and really interesting.

Fashion TV, which is absolutely the favorite channel for those who follow the trends was founded by a Polish man, named Adam Lisowski. I honestly love this point. This means that Polish people have some talent when it comes to fashion as well, and it is just amazing that nowadays we can follow just one TV channel and can be aware of the current patterns of events taking place in world Fashion industry.  Huge thanks to Polish Adam Lisowski.

Max factor was founded by Maksymilan, who is a polish person. Again, I am loving Poland’s attitude to world fashion industry. Max factor is one the best nail colors producers in the world. It is of very high quality and you can briefly use it. One more time Poland proves to be well aware of fashion quality. In the collection of it you can find any color you want, and they are of extremely high quality. Just brilliant.

There is one more interesting fact about Poland as well, which is quite similar to that of Armenian culture. Watching Home Alone is a Christmas tradition in Poland as well as in Armenia. In Armenia no New Year is a New Year without watching all the series of Home Alone. Without watching it you cannot feel the existence of winter and holidays at your home. The same is in Poland. This movie spreads winter in those countries and it is just amazing home this movie never gets old. You can never take it as a dated one.

Polish constitution was the first one in Europe and the second one in the world. This one pays the attention of scholars, those who study political science and law. This fact proves that In Poland the legal culture has been always quite well developed and that there is a civil society, identity and the society is well aware of it.

The next interesting point is that the first floor in Poland is regarded as the zero floors, and the first one is the second one therefore. This is a really interesting point for many of European tourists. It is also interesting that the same is with the country Armenia. Where also the first floor according to English standards in elevator is the second floor. So be attentive while you are in Poland with elevator system.

Poland has been fighting for freedom or invaded more than 43 times 1600-1945. Poland has a very vulnerable geopolitical situation and because of the fact, it has been always invaded either by Germany, or by Russia. However, it always fought for its freedom. Another point that reminds us about both Armenia and Poland being kind of similar in history. There was even a time when Armenia and Poland did not exist at all.

The name Poland originates from the name of the tribe “Polanie” which means people who live in fields. This explains the landscape of Poland. There are many places worth visiting in Poland, like Baltic Sea, Mountains, woods, especially in winter, but Poland is mostly famous for its long and open green fields.

Nearly 35 percent of Polish people live abroad. Unfortunately the economic situation of Poland is not really good and it is not known for its economic growth and development. That is the reason why it is really one of those countries from where people immigrate to other countries. This point also reminds me a lot of Armenia. The difference is that in Armenia we have 3 million Armenians, however abroad they are much more in number.

One of the Polish astronomers, Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person ever in the world to state that The Earth was not the center of the Universe. This point proves us that most of the Poles are really clever people and that Polish people gave us many scientists and scholars.

Finally the last point is that Poles are the youngest in Europeans to marry. For them family is a more important value then in other European countries.

These were the most interesting facts about Poland J Hoped you liked it.



Ani Mkrtchyan, a child of 3 nation, editor-in-chief of fashion of TTM. She will help your with your fashion tips. SHe is not ony into fashion but she writes articles on serious issues also, like politics. SHe is a student of BS of Polticial Science. I am a young, enthusiastic girl, a hardworking and strong-willed one, who sets goals and tries her best to reach them and who wants to be professional in everything she does. My dream is to make a good career on my own and become a successful woman step by step.