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(c) Can Stock Photo

Among the large variety of canines in the world, every little breed has its own intriguing origins, breeding and chutzpah that set it apart from the rest. Probably one of the most exciting of the lot are Dachshunds; the popular domesticated pets of today. However, you may be surprised to learn that you may still be unaware of some interesting Dachshunds facts.

This article seeks to gives you an inimitable insight into the history of this intriguing breed before you can peruse through some exciting Dachshund facts.

The origins of this adorable canine

Animal lovers have always been intrigued by the unique build of this adorable canine. It is time to delve into its origins as this little tyke was not created merely for being a delightful companion. The roots of this breed can be traced to Germany where in the beginning this dog was frequently used on hunts. It was used to chase wild badgers because its inimitable build facilitated an effortless entry to badger nests. This is precisely what earned it the moniker Dachshund in the native tongue of Germans.

The hunting spirit of their ancestors has never quite left this breed, as today’s pups are bright and perky. They also have an unerring knack for mauling and all but destroying their canine toys that give you a glimpse into their hunter’s persona. That being said, they are good tempered little creatures that make amiable companions for children as well as seniors.

Different types of Dachshunds

When you are contemplating taking home a dachshund, you should know that you have a ton of choice. Experts have categorized this breed into two distinct types as the standard and miniature. However, a medium sized build has been spotted in Germany. What is more is that the real diversity is witnessed in the type of skin as you can pick between hairless, long-haired and wire variety. Even so, standard and miniature is not the only option when you want these as pets for they are available in a number of exciting hues.

The most popular of which are deep scarlet, blue-cream and black and brown. Then there are the dappled variety, black-cream and blue- brown in addition to coffee-cream, coffee-brown colours. Your family dog can also be beige -cream or beige-brown, or charcoal black in color. Its versatility is another factor that has added to its mass appeal.

Understanding the doxie personality

A celebrated canine behaviorist once analyzed this breed’s personality to be most curious. He stated that these pups can be most intelligent, energetic and plucky to the extent of being reckless. Nevertheless they are also resolute in completing any given task once trained, which is why they make excellent hunters and watch dogs. Intensely loyal, these animals tend to make a special connection with one specific individual who they deem their master. Highly possessive, they have a high quotient for jealously, which makes them crave their master’s attention and adoration at all times. This can make them grumpy when they do not receive it.

Right from those large beseeching eyes to the expressive expressions and lively wag of the tail, this animal is quite capable of communicating non-verbally. The doxie’s bark although sharp is quite loud and more so than several bigger canines.

Get acquainted with these intriguing facts about the breed

  1. Your pet dog could actually be any of three sizes! You can spot these canines as a miniature size, a standard one and larger variety, even though the most commonly domesticated type is a miniature one.
  2. Although they look nothing like hounds, they’re the smallest variety in the hound category.
  3. Even though they are not the smallest variety of dogs, they certainly are the tiniest when it comes to chasing birds, ducks or small animals like rabbits. Adorable to look at these dogs are quite useful when you are out for a hunt as well.
  4. Over the years, they got a number of interesting monikers and are popularly dubbed as a wiener dog, Dashie or even a doxie!
  5. This dog has many famous fans and probably one of the most prominent ones was Pablo Picasso. An ardent animal lover, he had a mini variety called Lump who was his faithful companion who was also featured in a book!
  6. The rare third variety of the dachshund is called a tweenie or even a rabbit dog. It weights between 15 to 20 pounds.
  7. The dachshund was the official mascot of the Munich Olympic games. In fact renowned artist Otl Aicher himself created a dog named Waldi in 1972 that was hugely popular all around the world.
  8. Some dachshunds tend to have epilepsy that could be a result of their genes or even stem from an early fall. They then have mild to violent seizures that necessitate urgent medical attention. However, the vet could prescribe medication to manage the condition.
  9. Although they look tiny, their appetites are anything but! For a dog with a little stomach, this breed can really gorge on food. In fact this has caused many to be over-weight bringing with it obesity related illnesses that negatively affect their life span.
  10. The record for the longest living dachshund is 21 years, meaning that these furry pals can be your loyal friends for decades!
  11. At the time of world war two, this breed was looked down upon due to its association with Germany. People in all countries adopted fewer Doxies because they featured in anti-Nazi war slogans and pictures as a rabid dog.
  12. Obesity prone, this canine could easily have a bad back. Over weight doxies have a tendency to experience a slip disk that results in part or complete paralysis of their limbs.
  13. Small but aggressive, they make exceptionally alert watchdogs. Moreover, they are remarkably fine trackers as well, because of their sensitive nose that can discern even the faintest of scents.
  14. Heard of the famous horse and hound races? Well, decades ago in Australia, people raced doxies although the purpose of the race was mostly human amusement.
  15. A miniature Dachshund can weight just over 10 pounds, but the bigger variety is over 30 pounds and can hunt larger woodland animals.

Caring for your Dachshund dog

People love bringing home these pups because they know that they need little care as compared to some of the other breeds.

  1. Since most doxies have short hair, they shed only occasionally also they do not emanate the famous bad canine odour. They keep themselves extremely clean normally, which is why baths need not be frequent.
  2. Not typically suited to freezing weather, your pooch may require a doggie jacket for walks in the winter.
  3. The most common care routine is a regular round of brushing. Doing so with a fine brush ensures that the coat remains shiny and smooth sans any tangles and matted hair.
  4. The reason that they are prone to spinal problems is why you must be particularly watchful and ensure that they do not leap down from your arms when you are carrying them. Always brace the spine with a hand when you hold a Dachshund so that there is no chance of spinal damage.
  5. A fat canine could also have Diabetes mellitus, even though it is rare in doxies. If your pet is plagued with this condition, a series of insulin injections and a specially devised meal plan can be the answer to it. However, monitoring a good diet and daily exercise could easily avoid this portliness related issue.

The perfect family pet!

One of the reasons why these make excellent pets is because they are great with kids! It would be best to adopt them early on so that they can bond with your little ones and make loyal pals. That being said, they must be monitored when being socialized or when they are meeting your kid’s friends for the first time. It would be ideal to begin prematurely and have the pup meeting other dogs, humans so that he is used to being held and coddled.

Families prefer them because their miniature size makes them easy to manage and they suit just about any type of household. Known to thrive even in an urban environment and in apartments as well as houses with large gardens; the doxie can certainly be a wonderful playmate for your kids and the perfect family pet!

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