An autoimmune disorder that plagues a lot of individuals all around the world is the Celiac disease. Essentially a digestive anomaly, it causes the immune system to have a strongly negative reaction to gluten. Sadly, the people who are affected by this condition are forced to avoid foods containing gluten to ensure that their intestines remain undamaged.

Read on to know more about this rare condition and learn about the reasons why it occurs as well as treatment options for Celiac disease.

Causes of Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy

Every human has an immune system that properly functions to avoid external infections; however, when some individuals develop antibodies that attack gluten consumed, the celiac disease occurs. People who suffer from this disorder tend to have a very strong response to edibles that consist of gluten like barley or wheat. Their faulty immune system attacks gluten in the food and ends up causing damage to the intestinal lining.

This tearing of the small intestine affects the body’s ability to assimilate nutrients. This results in a reduced absorption of fat along with calcium, and even iron.

Symptoms Stemming from the Disorder in Children and Adults

The symptoms of this disease tend to vary from person to person based on their age and gender.

A lot of digestive ailments tend to present themselves to Celiac patients such as a bloated stomach, tummy ache, gas, and loose stools. Furthermore, pale excreta and a sudden weight loss are symptoms as well.

Anemia is a symptom owing to Celiac that causes an absorption disorder. This causes iron deficiency and adults also tend to have a much lower blood count.

The occurrence of dermatitis herpetiformis in adults is also an indicator of the disease.

Musculoskeletal weakness causes these patients to face frequent muscle cramps and also tend to have severe bone and joint ache.

Children especially encounter growth and development issues, as their body fails to absorb nutrients.

Young girls as well as women tend to miss their monthly menstrual cycle.

Sudden seizures

A calcium deficiency causes symptoms like an odd sensation in the leg that is consistent with nerve damage.

Common occurrence of oral sores like Aphthous ulcers are a symptom in children.


Treatment Options to Manage the Condition

Commonly referred to as celiac sprue and also the gluten-sensitive enteropathy; this disorder has no known cure. However, there are ways to manage the condition, which essentially necessitates that patients control their dietary preferences. Since gluten is a type of protein, people who suffer from the disorder have to avoid the intake of certain foods like rye, oats and barley as a part of their diet. They have to stay away from bread made of wheat or rye, which eliminates bagels, pizza and burgers from their diets.

Grains like wheat contain the protein as well, which means that it needs to be avoided in all forms.

People who experience this condition have to keep a close eye on the ingredients included in their food at all times to live a healthy and gluten-free life.