(c) Can Stock Photo / AnatolyM

People think that everyone who owns a business is an entrepreneur. Actually it is not so true because if you own a small business it still does not mean that you are an entrepreneur. These are completely different things and one should not mix these together. In this article we will try to understand what it is like being an entrepreneur and what the difference between the ordinary entrepreneur and small business owner is.  Actually what we can do is to just understand that people who have small business ideas are different from entrepreneurs in many things.

  • The entrepreneur is someone who starts the idea, who starts the company, runs the business with quite a limited amount of resources and planning, taking into consideration all the risks and who at the same time rewards his or venture.
  • The entrepreneur is actually far away from being an exciting co-owned business or a family owned business, working for other businesses or entrepreneurs for a salary and things alike.
  • The thing is that if the small business is for already known products or services then the entrepreneurship is all about innovative suggestions.
  • If the small business means not such a rapidly growing income but quite a fixed one than the entrepreneurship is all about rapid growth.
  • Another difference between the small business and between entrepreneurship is that actually the small business deals with the known risks of the market that everyone knows about while the entrepreneurship might deal with a lot of unknown and hidden risks.
  • Besides this the entrepreneurship can bring a lot of significant difference in the economy and in society as well while the small business is just about its income and small demand and group of clients without significant great impact on the whole society.
  • Another thing actually is that the entrepreneurs take unknown and very significant risks which are very hard to call easy steps. The risks that the entrepreneurs take can normally be unjustified and then all of a sudden appear to be quite successful ones.
  • Another thing when it comes to entrepreneurs is that actually the entrepreneurs have the intention of making a revolution in the market while the small business owners just want to have their place in the market and actually nothing more than that.
  • Most of the entrepreneurs are normally young people, who are passionate about what they do while the small business owners can be very old as well.
  • For entrepreneurs the most important thing is the capital. The entrepreneurs start with great and significant capital and with a very sound and strong business plan. The thing is that the business plan which is not sound will not benefit the entrepreneurship.
  • The entrepreneur is much more an enthusiastic person who is dreaming of big and taking a lot of risks and steps while the small business owner is just happy whatever he or she already has does not make any big or great plans about the future.
  • If the entrepreneur ends up being successful than we for sure will be a person with bigger name than the small business owner.

As you can see the small business owner is just a person who has something small which brings him some kind of income and this kind of business does not have much potential to grow and to become something which is able to make some changes in the market. The small business just has its own small share in the market and that is enough for him or her.


In this way you see that actually it is completely one thing being an entrepreneur and completely another thing being a small business owner. Entrepreneur is much more complicated phenomena and it is a lot harder than being a small business owner. On the other hand the small business owner takes less risks and is much more sure about what the business is going to be like. Very often in case of small business it is something that came family that is the family made it and it passed on from generation to generation. The small business just fills up the pocked of the owner more or less stabile each month while in case of entrepreneur things are very different as the entrepreneur takes a lot of unjustified risks sometimes and things are much more complicated. It actually does not matter whether you own small business or you are an entrepreneur as there are more important things in life than just those things but it is important to know that actually these two are quite different and we just tried to explain you those differences as easier as possible. We hope that now you can differentiate between what the entrepreneur is and the small business owner is.