A popular advertisement for an energy drink gives wings to the drinker. But like every quick fix this one to flying is often a sure fire way to a crash land. While a whole bunch of today’s urban yuppies swear by their swig of energy drinks, they are often the root cause to many ailments or aggravation of existing conditions like diabetes or hyper tension.
While many people use energy drinks to get a kick there is a serious concern about excessive usage. Moderation in consumption of course doesn’t have any major indications. Some of the common afflictions noticed are as below:
Tachycardia: a condition with increased heart rate leading to palpitations
Tremors: an affliction associated with spontaneous shaking of the limbs, digits etc., resulting out the neuro-musculoskeletal system being over active
Agitation: resultant again, of the neural system being hyper excited
Gastrointestinal upsets
Cardiac ischemia: this refers to chest pain as a result of short supply of oxygen and glucose to the tissues due to irregular blood supply
Syncope: commonly called fainting this is resultant of hypoxia or low oxygen supply to the brain
Paraesthesia: this is a state of intense tingling, pricking or burning of the skin with no long term effect
Insomnia: the lack of sleep is a typical effect