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We all know that leaders have their habits, ways of getting motivation and energy, things that they are or were used to do during walking the road to the leadership. Some of those things may sound strange for you, some may become too simple, some may be the part of your life and some others won’t even come to your life for even a second. All of those habits are interesting to be discovered and discussed. In other words, everyone has his or her habit, something special to him, something that he is used to doing.
One of the habits of many great leaders is not a news for everyone and sounds so simple. However, the experience has shown that it still doesn’t become the habit of everyone and it has its reasons. If you are guessing what we are talking about, or already understood it: yes, it is waking up early.
Here are some of the reasons you should wake up early and what you can manage to do early in the morning:
- You wake up early, you have enough time for exercising
If you are having a very busy day, having meetings, arranging this or that things, helping your team and a lot more, we are pretty sure that at the end of the day you will too tired to exercise. And it is normal. We get it. But there is an alternative of waking up early and starting the day with the exercises and not just job right at the beginning of the day. This will both help you be fit and in form, and will give you energy for the whole day. You can choose what exercises you wish to go for. You can either choose going to a gym, running in the nearby park or practicing yoga. All of those options are amazing solutions for starting the day with energy and motivation.
- You have enough time for healthy breakfast
Guess what? Most of are having our so called “breakfast” in a rush, some are not even having it. We are eating a thing, not even getting what we really it. You know the reason? Because we wake up so late that don’t have enough time for realizing that we are going to work. We are just running to work. Waking up early would be perfect for just sitting down and eating something healthy. Something called breakfast. You still remember what it, Don’t you?
- You have enough time for planning your day
If you have time, you are getting more organized. You are starting planning your day, you know what you have to do every hour of it. Which means, during the day you won’t spend any additional time for deciding whether you are going to do this thing or another. You will have it all planned and organized. Moreover, if some of those things you have to do are not pleasurable to you, you will have enough time for getting ready to them both physically and mentally.
- You have enough time for reading or doing what we really want
Most of the leaders are so busy during the day that probably won’t have any time for doing what you really want. Imagine, they want to read a book: that’s nearly impossible with all of the meetings and things that they have to manage to do. However, waking up early gives a great opportunity of doing what they really want. Don’t have time for reading your favorite book? Wake up early. Don’t have time for reading the latest news? Wake up early. Don’t have time for drawing (if it is your hobby)? Wake up early. And there are so many more questions we can ask you and give a simple answer: Wake up early.
- Do the hardest job
Most of the people are having that heavy job of the day, that are always delaying doing it or really hate even the idea about it. Waking up early gives a great opportunity to do that one and only difficult task with fresh mind and energy. Imagine how easy and enjoyable the day will become when you are done with it. Imagined? Go on for doing it then.
Those were only some of the benefits that waking up early will have on you. Yes, we all like sleeping, but remember, that the world continues running even when we are sleeping. So keep this in mind every time you turn off your alarm clock and continue sleeping. You decide what is telling the world to you, either: Good morning, let’s do it! Or “Good night, again”.