Cuisine: Dutch

Timing: 30 minutes

Cooking level: easy

Nutrition: medium

Dutch cuisine is not so familiar to most of the people and many think that Dutch cuisine does not worth attention. However, that is a big mistake and a very wrong opinion. In reality, it is very pity that the Dutch cuisine is not so popular all around the world. The reason why the Dutch cuisine is really good is that it is very calm, and is rich in neutral tastes. It is classy and delicate but at the same time it is super homey and tasty.  The Dutch cuisine is easy and simple. The breakfast is usually comprised of bread and cheese or honey. While most of the Dutch dishes are a combination of meat, potatoes and vegetables.  One can find lots of fish dishes in the Dutch cuisine.  The main food habits are framed by planting, farming and fishing. SO let’s take a look at the Dutch dish, we are cooking for today.

Today we will introduce our audience the spinach cheese balls. This dish can make a perfect breakfast. 

So let’s what the ingredients are for this Dutch dish.

We will need to have

1 box of spinach (can be dried)

Original Biscuit mix of 1 cup

Mozzarella cheese of 2 cups

1 egg

Italian seasoning of 2 tablespoon

1 teaspoon of garlic sauce

1 cup of tomatoes pasta (optional) 

At first we have to take a big bowl, add the spinach there. Then add the biscuit into spinach, season with Italian seasoning, add the garlic sauce and the egg. Then we have to the mozzarella cheese, shred it and add to the mass we have. After all the ingredients are properly mixed together and came well together, we need to make balls. After the balls are ready, it is the time to heat the oven.

Heat the oven under 400 degrees. Place the balls on cookie sheet, spray the sheet with special cooking spray and put the sheet with balls on oven.

Bake them for about from 10 to 15 minutes and take them out. Be careful not to burn them, because it is very easy to do. 

You can add the tomato sauce and serve like that. However, many people do not like this dish with tomato sauce and prefer it without sauce at all. So you can serve just like that, or decorate the dish with some herbs. That is all up to you and your personal taste.

We are more than sure that after making and trying this dish you will make more Dutch dishes and will fall into the Dutch cuisine. As you can see this dish brilliantly demonstrates how simple and easy the Dutch cuisine is and at the same time how tasty it is. 

You will definitely change your opinion of the Dutch cuisine. 

The Dutch spinach cheese balls are actually very easy to make. It is not only easy, but also very quick. It will take you about 30 minutes to make and that’s why it can make a brilliant breakfast to those who harry to work. The nutrition level is middle. It is not so high, but it does contain some important things for human body.

So just try the Dutch spinach cheese balls, and we are sure you will appreciate the Dutch cuisine. 

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