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I am sure we all have heard the statement that women live longer than men. However is it so in reality? If yes then what is the reason for that and why women live longer than men do

Actually when if someone asked me who lives longer? Men or women? I would probably answer men. Do you know why? Women’s organism is very complicated and women face much more difficulties in their lives than men. Women are more emotional, which means that they can easily spare and waste their nerves, which will cut out their lives. Women give births, which is painful and this may also affect and cut some years off women’s life. However, are the things so easy in reality?  To find out more let’s dig into the topic.

On average, women are known to live 3 years longer than men born on the same date. This statement however is very confusing and not really clear. Only during the last years it has become clear that this statement corresponds to reality. So what is the reason of that?

The very first scientific opinion for this was the idea that men start working from earlier age and keep working till older age than women. Most of the men also do much physical job, mine and work with land which puts a lot of pressure and stress on their organism.

Another opinion and scientific approach stated that the reason why men live less than women lies in alcohol, smoking, overeating and other habits like this. Though women also drink alcohol, smoke and overeat, they do it less than men. These habits may largely effect on the length of a human’s life.  Brilliant example for this is Russians. We know that Russians are really into drinking. However, on average Russian men die 13 years earlier, than Russian women. Why? The answer is very simple. Russian men drink and smoke heavier than Russian women.

Another approach was brought by Tom Kirkwood, a British scientist who says that the difference is in DNA and in chromosomes. Due to chromosomes we identify the sex of a person. Women are comprised of 2 X chromosomes while men have one X and one Y chromosome. What does this mean? Technically this means that having 2 X chromosomes gives women double and copy of every gene.  While for men, things are different.  Men have one X and one Y chromosome which means that men does not have double of any cell. So if something happens to one cell, there is the copy of it in women’s organism that is able to replace the failing cell, while in men’s organism every cell is single and does not have its double one.

The next opinion is pretty much connected with menstrual cycle in women. During the second half of menstrual cycle the rate of women’s heart increases and the risk of cardiovascular disease is decreasing.

Another option is connected to the size of women and men’s bodies. Those bodies that are larger, have more cells, which means that having more harmful mutations is more likely for large bodies. As we know men are known to be larger and taller in size than women. This can also serve as hint to think that women live more than men do.

A scientist from Hong Kong stated that the reason men live less than women do lies in testosterone. Those men who end the puberty earlier live longer than those that end later. However this statement is very confusing because the early end of puberty can cause other side effects. Testosterone strengthens our body for sure, but on the other hand when we lack of testosterone, harmful things and changes start happening to our bodies.

Another reason why women live longer is that men carry on heavier things than women do.  This point is again connected to the physical activities of men and cannot be the only reason.

Some people say that women live longer than men just because they take a better care of themselves and their bodies. Women tend to attend doctors more often than men do.

It can also be link to the men’s character. Men are more likely to postpone the visit to doctor until it gets the very last period while women are more sensitive and even in case of slight pains and complaints they may immediately attend doctors. This can also be pretty much a kind of justification.

Men work with machines and in IT sphere more than women do. As we know computer, laptops are not really good for health. While women are involved less in the sphere, it may affect them less than men. This in its turn can be pretty much having its share in the statement we are trying to figure out.

The idea or statement that women live longer than men is not something sure and is not something we can cling to as general truth. The reason we think so is based on scientific researches and in statistics. Nowadays women are told to live longer than men from 5 to 8 years. The reasons we have listed before are not scientifically proven but their just opinions and version why men live less than women.

Women are mostly regarded as soft creatures and weak sex. They handle stress worse, they give births, their body is more complicated and in general they seem to have a more difficult life than men. Women unlike men must take a really good and precise care of themselves otherwise there is no way to handle the physical features of a woman. Yet, strangely enough, when it comes to the length of our live, women live more than men, which proves that women are not weak at all and are even stronger than men. The reasons are not clear yet. May be it is not a single reason but a bunch of reasons like we already mentioned. In any case hopefully men will also be able to live the same as women, and not let their wives and beloved ones be alone.



Ani Mkrtchyan, a child of 3 nation, editor-in-chief of fashion of TTM. She will help your with your fashion tips. SHe is not ony into fashion but she writes articles on serious issues also, like politics. SHe is a student of BS of Polticial Science. I am a young, enthusiastic girl, a hardworking and strong-willed one, who sets goals and tries her best to reach them and who wants to be professional in everything she does. My dream is to make a good career on my own and become a successful woman step by step.