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For one moment, reading this title you may think that there is no difference between boss and leaders, unless it is connected with the person itself. However, here is what we can tell: every leader can be a boss, but not every boss can be a leader. Sounds confusing? Never worry, we’ll give an explanation.
There are differences in the actions, goals and purposes of the bosses and leaders and here we will discuss them.
Goals are different
Bosses are usually the ones the goal of which is having the things done. That is to say they are creating your plan of to-dos and telling you (or even better to say ordering) to have the things done. The boss’s goal starts and finishes up with the accomplishments of the goal. The boss is usually not being interested about the disturbing factors, your personal problems, which may disturb you to manage to do the task on time. All your boss wants, is having the goal accomplished.
On the contrary, leader is the one who not only wants the goal to be accomplished but does everything to motivate and help you to accomplishing it. If you are seeing some difficulties during the implementation of the project, leader is the one who will give you an advice, will help you through it. The leader will listen to you, to know how to help you. And, most importantly, the leader will motivate you through it. This is how you will reach to the accomplishment of the goal.
Using and developing
Bosses are the ones who see you as a way to reaching to a goal. As mentioned above, bosses only want their goals to be accomplished. This means bosses are the ones who are using you, taking your skills and knowledge and using it for their development or the development of the company.
On the contrary, leaders are the ones who are trying to develop you. They know that if you are getting developed this will help the company as well. Bosses don’t give you enough time for self-educating, do not boost your motivation for educating yourself, because they think about the near-future result. However, leaders are the ones who are thinking about the far-future results. They are giving you enough freedom for studying what you want, developing yourself, thus the company in the future.
Fear and Respect
Boss is the one who spreads fear. You are going to the job, doing this or that tasks because of the fear, ad well, because you are getting paid. However, there is nothing more than that.
On the contrary, leader is the one who earns your respect through different skills that he/ she has as a leader. This gives you more motivation towards work, it lets you not hate your job and be afraid of it, it brings joy and pleasure. You feel that you are doing something important for yourself, for the company, for the country. This is what gives you motivation to continue working hard in order to have everything done properly.
Me and We
And finally, bosses are the ones who always think about themselves. This means, every accomplishment of the company which was done by the team work, with the help of your skills and knowledge, will be referred to the boss. In other words, bosses are the ones who will take all of the credits to themselves.
On the contrary, leaders are the ones who will show you that they appreciate what you are doing for the company. Every accomplishment that the company will have, leader won’t take all of the credits to himself, but will share with the whole team. The real leader will show that he knows that is the result of the team work, not only his accomplishment.
The differences of the bosses and leaders can be a lot. Depending on the circumstances and situations, those skills of leaders are always helping to the company development, team work and healthy relationships between you and the team members. In case of the bosses the work will be even more difficult. Well, we are not here to fear you, however, learning some leadership skills would bring more joy and pleasure to your company.
In other words, if you want your company workers to enjoy their work and get the tasks done with pleasure read the above mentioned points once again. Have a good day!