(c) Can Stock Photo / meinzahn
Puberty is a big issue for everyone whether male or female. Girls and boys, all pass through puberty, but they all do it differently. However this happens when both are teenagers. Nor many teenagers actually are aware of what puberty is. That is the reason why they pass into the puberty, they kind of feel very depressed and stressed. Teens just feel as if something has happened to them and as if they just changed their skin and they see someone else in the mirror. Indeed this is a very depressive for them to adapt to undeniable changes related to their bodies and there is nothing they can do against these changes.
The best way to overcome the psychological issues during the puberty is just to understand that it will happen sooner or later and that it is extremely good to pass through puberty. Boys just become men and indeed it is something very welcoming.it is very important that there be a man near the teen boy’s side when the letter passes through puberty. If this be, then it will be much easier for the teen boy to understand and figure out what happens. Not all women are able to help their teen sons during the puberty, just because they are women and they do not understand much of it.
So how does the puberty happen?
- One of the most common changes and symptoms of puberty is the change of voice. When your voice changes it means that you turn from teen boy into men. Many teens are feeling uncomfortable with their new voices, however, this is just a matter of time, and during some time the boy will get used to the new voice.
- You in a short period become really tall. This also reveals that you are witnessing puberty and that you are definitely growing up. When guys get taller they again feel uncomfortable, they artificially want to make themselves look shorter. There is no need to do this, because girls love tall men and besides you cannot help it. If you want to look healthy, then you have to accept your height.
- During this time the man will start to produce testosterone, which in its turn helps to produce sperm. This is the sign of men power and that the person is ready for sexual contact.
- Besides this, the teenage boy can see the chnage in breast size. Besides this, the size of hands, shoulder and muscles also change.
- Another thing that happens with men during this time, is that he gets hair on face. This means that it is the time to learn the shaving. Many guys think shaving is a problem and are of afraid of shaving. In fact it is not as difficult as they think.
- Many guys are scared when they see a wet spot on their male organ. This may the very first sign of puberty for many people indeed. This is known as nocturnal emission but it is quite natural and there is no need to be scared.
Actually these are the problems that many of men face when they are passing through the puberty. It is sometimes very hard to understand the changes in male body and to accept that you are growing up. The most difficult thing is the psychological moment when the person has to see himself differently, in completely different looks. This is not an easy thing to do at all. That is the reason why some teenagers witness some kind of stress or depression, when they pass through puberty. If the teenage son is stressed and depressed the thing you have to do is to talk with him and to explain everything. Many of teenage boys do not even take it easy just because they are not really aware of what happens with them. For this parents must explain them all the things. Usually the one who is responsible for explaining all is the father. However, if there is no father and the son has just mother then the mother should find a man who will explain all these things to the boy and the boy will overcome all the differences and puberty in general.