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All of the companies one day or another will meet those dark days when they will need every assistance that is suggested. Whether or not your company is in that situation now, you will need some of those tricks and tactics in order to take out your company from those dark days. So let’s start discussing them.
Get more freelancers
People nowadays are used to be working from home as freelancers. You may think that this wouldn’t be as effective as it could be at the office, or you won’t be able to build your team etc, however you will save much money on leasing an office and decorating it in a beautiful way. By starting with freelancers you will have more choice options rather than choosing from the people only in your city. If your company needs to find a web designer or a content writer, you most probably can find someone in your city and pay a lot of money for the job to be done. However, if you are looking them online, you will have much more applications and more choice options, which means you can also have a wide variety of paying options.
Volunteers are amazing
Well, most of the high school students or the freshman are usually in searches of jobs. And most of the time, they need to have some working experience in order to get one. Which means, people will be ready to work for you without getting paid. Most probably, you will have to spend much time on choosing the right candidate for your company and of course teaching him or her how to do this or that thing. It will be especially hard when you know the volunteer doesn’t have an experience or has small idea of the working sphere. However, most of the times it is worth it. This can be named as a smart investment of time into the future, where both you and the volunteer get a profit out of it.
Work on saving time and money
Lessen the amount of time that you or the employees were used to spend on the less important things. Become more careful to what exactly you dedicate your time and how you feel it. Make sure the non-important things do not waste your time.
Also, make sure you are not over wasting, be careful to the extra expenses that the company sees. Discuss the ways you can lessen the amount of money you use. Shorten the expenses from the things that the company won’t see a damage from.
Speak to the employees
When the company Is having problems, the employees have equal rights to know about them. Even if they shouldn’t know all of the details and won’t be able to help, they should know that the company meets some problems and challenges in its way. You, as an HR manager, can organize a meeting with your employees and start explaining the situation.
If you think that the company will have to delay paying salaries for some months, this is exactly one of the reasons, your employees should be updated on the situation. So, speak o them and try to explain the situation as clearly as you can. You don’t have to tell all of the details about the problems, the company faces- the general information would be enough.
Also, another good factor is: there will be people who will find another job and leave the company as soon as they learn about the problems, and there will be people who will stay with you till the end. In other words, this can be a wonderful time for you to know who are the loyal employees of the company.
Always have a plan B
There is that famous fact: you never know what will happen. And, this is the reality. Whether you hope and believe that the company will arise again and good days will come, or whether you think this is the end – in all of the cases you need to ask yourself “what’s next?”. If you are an HR manager, you will be most probably asked this question more than just once. All of your employees are worried about the situation and it is pretty normal to be worried about the future. This means, you, as an HR manager should have a plan B in all of the other plans. You should have a plan of the future, for you, for somehow helping your employees and for giving them the hope for the future. Make sure you are creating that plan in order not to just leave the company when it falls, but to be able to raise again. Well, obviously we would like you not to use that plan B and better arise from the difficult situation that your company meets now.
Those steps are really important when facing the challenges. Another important thing here is not forgetting about staying positive and hopeful to the future. Do believe that if you are all working hard and believe in what you do, you will commit your best and reach the needed result. Spread love and motivation as much as you can, even if you don’t have much energy and patience for that. Keep it going and bring your company out from those dark days you are seeing. We hope you will soon look back with a smile to those days and be proud of you.