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Are you familiar with dark circles under the eyes? Dark circles are the dark shadows that appear to be under the eyes. The causes of dark circles are very different many. Causes such aging, crying for too long, having dry skin, working a lot in front of computer, stress, unhealthy eating habits and lack of sleep can be a reason to have dark circles under eyes.
Actually dark circles under eyes are not a huge problem, but they definitely spoil our face, and it is not something we would like to have. Because of dark circles under eyes we look more tired, stressed, older than we are, exhausted and they even make us look uglier. This is a problem mostly common for women who have very sensitive skin under eyes. I personally have this problem and there are different ways how to get rid of them.
Every day before going to sleep put some almond oil under your eyes over the dark circles and massage your skin carefully. Sleep that way and then wash it with cold water in the morning. Do this process every day until the dark circles are gone. This is one of the easiest and best ways to remove them.
Putting cucumbers under the eyes can also be beneficial to those who have this problem. Cucumbers have the ability to lighten the skin and have the ability to refresh the skin.
You have to cut the cucumber into thick slices, place them under your eyes and hold for about 15 minutes. After you do, wash your face and do this twice a day until the problem is gone.
Another option can be raw potatoes. Raw potatoes have the character of lightening, so they can also help us with this problem.
Grate the potatoes, make a juice out of it, soak the cotton into it and place it over the dark zone. Then wash eyes, and do this twice a day. Repeat the same action for one month or so much until the problem is fixed.
Another very good option is the use of rose water, because rose is an incredible ingredient when it comes to skin care and health. It has a smoothing effect on skin.
Put the rose in water for some days, and then soak the cotton into the water for a few minutes. Then place the cotton on the dark circles and then wash. Do this twice or once a day and then repeat until they are gone.
Actually you can do the same process as with cucumber, with potatoes or rose water with lemon, tomato and with tea bags.
Personally I think that the best option is the use of almond oil, because oils are so good for skin care. You can use the almond oil to all of your face and wash after one hour. You will see the result right the next day, it lightens the skin and make It much smoother.
Having dark circles under eyes is not something we like, and yet it is good that we can remove easily.