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We have talked previously about leaders, how we define them and what skills leaders should have in order to become ones. With all of these discussed things, you may have heard that leaders are the ones who are continually working, studying, self-educating themselves in order to reach a result. This is one of the most difficult things, as no one can really bear studying and working every minute of the day. This is where people either give up or continue their path to reaching success.
However, even after becoming a leader in one sphere and becoming some kind of a leader, you will still need to develop yourself. You will still need to know what’s going in the world, having a general idea of every sphere and know the most important developments and changes.
Here are several things, that will help you and will keep you updated every day.
- Books and reading
Hmm, one may refer to this as an old school, but seriously reading is the top key to everything. It is not just reading everything you find. For the beginning, you can search some professional books from your sphere, read them and be more informed on that. Later, check out some list of the books which are important to be read for everyone. Starting from the love stories to horror ones – there are books which are having an essential role on the development of your identity. Keep this in mind and just find the list which includes all of those books in it.
- Turn off the social media
Well, this will sound too harsh. Don’t just turn it off totally. We know you won’t be able to! However, try to minimize getting information from the pages which are just quotes or are giving inaccurate information. Don’t let your brain get tired from the small and unimportant things. If you just become more careful on this, you will see that we are reading millions of sentences daily. Literally: thousands and millions of them – and you know what? Most of them have no essence, we don’t remember most of them and we don’t even realize that we have read that much. Instead, imagine how many pages we could read and so many things we could learn from a book. So, make sure you know in which place in your life social media is. Make sure it is not the only source of information that you have.
- Newspapers and magazines
It some kind of strange to say that one will manage to know everything from every field. However, if you want to know the most vital changes of your field –you should rather choose the newspapers or forums which are exactly of your interest. That doesn’t even require that you have to read every single line in them – you can make a quick 5 minutes’ scan on each and every day and it will be totally enough for being updated. You can also choose another journal or forum which is more general – this one will help you being updated not only of your field, but the general changes that would appear in the world.
- Films and documentaries
Either you are or not the movie lover, there are films that you should watch. Doesn’t matter whether these movies are motivational, about business successes, Steve Jobs or anything else – you should watch some of them. Imagine yourself being in an environment and having someone said in a certain occasion “Run, Forest, run”. And imagine yourself not seeing a movie and laughing as if you are from another world. Well, it is obviously difficult to watch all of the films, however, watching the most famous and important ones is essential.
- Music and artists
Knowing what’s up in the show business may be not of your fit. However, knowing classical music, having a favorite genre of a music etc.- those are important in all of the communications. Make sure you have a general idea of the people who have changes the history of music. Love them or not is your choice and your decision – however, knowing them would be the best for you.
Those are not all of the important things that leaders should do and continually learn, however, those are the most important ones. Keep yourself updated every hour and day of your life. Continually study and educate yourself in order to stay in the center of the world and become the leader you want to see in yourself.