If you want a short-term option for birth control, the contraceptive pill is a good bet. As long as you take the pill as directed, the chance of pregnancy is less than one percent. Although many women take a combined pill, containing both estrogen and Progestin, the mini pill is an alternative oral contraceptive. Mini pills contain only Progestin, which make them a suitable birth control option for more women, as there are certain contraindications to combination pills. So what advantages does a Progestogen-only pill offer over a combined pill?

Unlike combination pills, mini pills don’t increase your risk of raised blood pressure or a DVT. Progestogen-only pills are, therefore, a better option if you are over 35, a smoker or you have additional risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Mini pills are also a suitable option after you have a baby. Not only can you start the mini pill three weeks after birth, but progestogen-only pills are compatible with breastfeeding. This is in contrast to combined oral contraceptives, as estrogen can interfere with your milk supply, so estrogen-containing pills are not suitable if you wish to breastfeed exclusively.

As you take Progestogen-only pills daily, you are less likely to forget to take a dose, though the timing of when you take the pill is still crucial for its effectiveness. With combination birth control pills, you usually take a break between packs, so there is a risk that you will forget to start the new pack on the right day, leaving you at risk of pregnancy. However, you can elect to take combined pills continuously, which means you won’t have a monthly period.

If you would like to try the mini pill, your primary care physician, gynecologist or family planning clinic can offer you further advice on Progestogen-only pills. Understanding the pros and cons of this and other forms of contraception can help you make an informed decision about your choice of birth control, allowing you to use the contraceptive most suited to your needs.