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Today we will discuss whether pregnant women should eat chocolate and use cocoa or they should skip using these ingredients. Most of the women really love chocolate. The thing is that we all love chocolate and some chocolates are really good for health. Pregnant women most often want to have different kinds of sweets, cakes, cookies and other things but we all perfectly know that these are the kinds of sugar which pregnant women should not have at all. They do not contain anything healthy and just add some extra weight without any benefit. That is the reason why pregnant women should of course avoid using sweets if they can. However, if they want to have some sugar, there are some option for pregnant women to fill up the need of sweets. They can always have dates, because dates are extremely good for health and at the same time they will fill up the need of sweet and sugar in their organism, but at the same time they will definitely gain some vitamins and minerals. However, today we will have be discussing whether pregnant women should use cocoa and chocolate or they had better stay away from it.
The thing is that cocoa has both advantages and disadvantages for pregnant women. The most important thing here is related to the way you use or have the cocoa. If you drink the hot chocolate then it will contain a very small amount of caffeine, which is okay for the pregnant women if it does not contain more than 200 mg of caffeine, because 200 mg caffeine is the limit of caffeine. The thing is that caffeine is considered to be a drug and it stimulates the nervous system. It can also increase the blood pressure, the rate of heart, can contribute to prenatal risks and carry a risk for miscarriage.
The real danger related to caffeine, is that while the mom’s body can fight against the caffeine, the baby’s body does not have enough chemicals to be able to face the drug and handle it. Caffeine will pass to the blood of your baby and remain there for quite a long period of time. It will definitely affect the movement of your baby in your uterus and will also affect the heart rate. Besides this, caffeine breaks down the calcium and iron in your body , which in its turn will affect the development of the baby.
When it comes to chocolate, we have to state that most of them women get hard times while trying to skip eating chocolate and trying to stay fit. They just love chocolate no matter what. However, is it good to eat chocolate during pregnancy? Chocolate contains a considerable number of bromine, which in its turn has the tendency of reducing the risk of high blood pressure, which also blocks the nutrition that goes to your baby. It may also bring problems such as swelling, weight gain, poor eye vision, headaches and a number of other problems. However, scientists also believe that the use of dark chocolate will help your cardiovascular system.
Anyway, when it comes to the chocolate you had better use the dark chocolate because it is was better than the white chocolate, which in reality contains lots of unhealthy fat.
So it is not a secret that when it comes to hot cocoa or chocolate, then women really love it. It is hard for the women to be deprived of the taste of chocolate that they enjoy so much. Women just love sweets, drinking cocoa and having a bit of chocolate with coffee. Of course, when you are pregnant you should try to do all these in goo moderation. This means that you can eat dark chocolate but you have to know you limits and you have to know when to stop. Eating chocolate, using cocoa is absolutely fine and not forbidden unless you know your limits and do not over eat or overuse. In this case, these ingredients will not harm you, but may also benefit you. So just be happy and use these ingredients in moderation if they really make you feel happy during your pregnancy.