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How can startup boost your personal confidence or does it have anything to do with confidence? In today’s article we will discuss how the personal confidence and your startup are interrelated to each other. Many people think that being an entrepreneur and having your startup does not change you as a person, however sometimes we can see that those who become entrepreneurs change a lot with the time. So in reality sometimes people do change a lot when they become entrepreneurs. Now let’s understand what the reason behind those changes is. Actually the thing is that being entrepreneur can both make you better and worse at the same time.
How will it make you better is that everyone knows that being an entrepreneur is a very multitask and complicated thing and everyone respects those who become entrepreneurs. From this point of view if the entrepreneur succeeds he or she will eventually end up with having quite high degree of confidence which is not bad at all. Confidence is always good because it makes others also be confident and believe in yourself. From another point of view actually too much confidence is not good because it destroys all that you have built before. When the confidence turns into a desperate confidence then it already becomes a pride, and not the good type of pride. The thing is that actually when the entrepreneurs start thinking too much about their confidence they lose all the good qualities about their character. For example the person who has too much pride thinks high about himself and sees other people from above. This is of course completely unacceptable because if you are an entrepreneur and if you succeeded in something it does not mean that they are a better person or high than someone else who maybe did not succeed in something or in business itself.
However, there is a chance that becoming entrepreneur and going deep into business will boost your confidence and at the same time will make you better. If you become an entrepreneur and you succeed you will be more confident and this can boost the wish in you to make others also believe in their potential as well. Maybe there was a time you did not believe in yourself that much and now you want to inspire people and tell them that if you could do it, then they also can do it.
Besides this it might boost your confidence and you might want to donate and to help more. Eventually you might end up being a successful philanthropist as well. Helping people is really important and when you become entrepreneur, and you boost your confidence you might understand that actually you can do a lot of things and that others can benefit from it.
Once you become very successful philanthropist as well you will become even more confident but this will not turn into a pride but into making your other colleagues become better people and donate and do good for other people. This is really something nice that you must always try to do. Nothing is better than making other people believe in the power of helping others. This is important and therefore it is priceless and just wonderful how being an entrepreneur can change you to the better.
However, this is not all about confidence and startup. Once you do your first startup, then you will understand that it gives you enough confidence to do your second startup or to scale up. This is just an amazing feeling, because when you are all new in the market you might be afraid of starting up and being an entrepreneur. However once you succeed in your first startup and you can call yourself successful, you will be confident enough and you will scale up in a more risky way than you would have done it before.
As you can see it does not take much from you to become confident when you become an entrepreneur. The problem here is all about which path you will choose. Usually when people become confident they can do a lot of good, they can become better in every sphere and help others when it comes to certain problems with confidence. You have to help others with confidence as well and you will be able to become them better, at the same time being an example for them and an inspiration. However, some people do become very confident and at the same time they become very closed for society. This is of course not a good thing to do because you have to be a good person in order to make others love you and if you have too much confidence and pride then your business partners will also feel it and no one will be willing to work with you.