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Today we are going to discuss a very interesting topic whether the entrepreneurs can change the world or no. I have asked several people around me and all of them got surprised and started laughing because they think that it is impossible that the entrepreneur can change the world. However, what I can tell for sure is that it is quite possible that the entrepreneurs change the world. It is so obvious that the entrepreneur can have all the possibilities to change the world. How did I make it up to this decision? Well, the thing is that actually entrepreneurs make standards and they dictate. How does this come? Well, it is really so easy to understand. We use what the entrepreneurs create and offer us and if they did not create that very thing, then they would have created something really different and we would have been using that. This actually what change is all about. Of course the entrepreneur is the one who dictates and of course if they make the changes in the world by creating things that did not exist before. That is a great change and it is just impossible not to notice how much entrepreneurs have changed our lives. Some innovations made our lives more fun, some made our lives easier and some made more comfortable. In all the way all of these things were changes that were brought into our lives. Therefore we just cannot deny that entrepreneurs do make changes in every part of our lives whether it is good or bad.
In order to understand how entrepreneurs can change the world we are going to give an example which is exactly to the point here. What is fashion? Fashion is also an industry and it is also all about business, about selling clothes and making trends. Yes, trends are made. Fashion entrepreneurs dictate us what is trendy and what is not. They create dresses, they design and produce them and we have to choose between what they do and every time that they change something which we were used to, or every time that they change the trend, we become as the victims of their trend and we change the way we dress. So this means that the fashion designers change the world in the sense of how we dress. Maybe one day all the designers agree that they are not going to use animal fur for clothing. Is not this a change? Of course this is a great change for the world, for the environment, for the lives of animals and it is just like chain.
We have also talked about what social entrepreneur is before and therefore you also should know about what social entrepreneur is. Therefore if you are not very well acquainted with what social entrepreneur is, then we will try to introduce it to you. Social entrepreneur is someone who sets a company or holds some kind of activity which brings income but the income goes for something which benefits the society. Social entrepreneurs help greatly the environment and are concerned with a lot of problems that exist in our surrounding world. Problems like animal torturing, saving homeless dogs and cats, dealing with ill people. All of these things are serious matters for all the social entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurs are like philanthropists but they have a team who helps them with their social activities. It is not as easy to be a social entrepreneur as it might seem. Social entrepreneurs work a lot in order to raise enough money and they spend the money for social purposes and not for themselves.
Social entrepreneurs are the most brilliant examples of how entrepreneurs can benefit for the good kind of activities held by humans and help the humanity in general. Being entrepreneur is really great and being able to devote some part of your life to changing the world in really great. We believe that most of the entrepreneurs actually do change the world but there are some whose changes are not that good for society. In fact the changes that some companies can bring into the world are not to benefit society but to harm in in a really bad way. That is the reason why you should check on the company and on the brand that you are using making sure that it does not contain and damage for society at all.
As you can see, entrepreneurs can change the world and they do change the world. It is just so fabulous how they can do it but it is really important to use your position for some good changes, because changes sometimes are not so good and are not so right. Therefore if you are an entrepreneur, try to be involved in being social entrepreneurs as well.