The talks about Britain leaving the EU has been raised many times and even the Prime Minister of United Kingdom David Cameron not once has said that the better for United Kingdom will be if the letter quits the EU. This has not only political but also strong economic aspect.
Many citizens of United Kingdom think that UK is getting slow and slow in development because of other countries of European Union and that alone it is much stronger. The UK being one of the EU member countries which has the highest budget invests a lot in EU projects while for majority of UK citizens that is not the right way of policy, because in reality they think the money spent on EU could have been better spent and could contribute to economy of UK. Thus taking into consideration these talks on April 23 the UK has passed a referendum according to the results of which the UK leaves the EU. While other leaders of EU member states are in shock, the Prime Minister David Cameron announces that he will not be having the position he has now by October and that he also quits.
Many EU member state leaders, such as Angela Merkel, who is the Prime Minister of German Federation, has framed the day of referendum of UK as a bad day for Europe. One of the biggest contributors of EU leaves and the future is unpredictable and really miserable.
The UK leaving the EU may contribute to the economy of UK, but it will also have negative impact on the employment and economy as a whole. First of all more than 900.000 people will remain unemployed because most of the EU offices will be closed. There is a tourism risk also, which depends on the further agreement between EU and UK. Also there can be some major problems connected with market and the prices of products coming from EU will become higher. However, all the aspect and all the risks depend strongly on how the EU and UK will negotiate, what kind of relations they will set up.
The difference of poll result is not that much. However the result is clear. 52.5 % voted for brexit while the rest of 47.5 votes where against the UK leaving the EU.
Despite all the talks I do not think that much will be changes in the economy of UK. UK was always kind of independent and that is a fact. UK had its own currency and that was one of the most important factors. However, I don’t also think that the relation between the EU and UK will get worse because they are strongly interrelated. This is just a new system which will allow UK is separate economically and a chance to become a better state economically and may be it is the wish to be called a superpower. One thing is for sure, it is not going to be so easy for both sides, however they are still on the same path.