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Giving birth is not an easy thing even for young women. Science says that if men were able to have babies they would not be able, because men cannot survive through the pain women do during giving birth. So let’s see the women who are over 50s. Can they have children? Let’s find out how to prevent the pregnancy for these women and how to control the situation.

Actually many women of 50s think that they are too old to get pregnant, while the menopause did not even happen. So they just do not prevent pregnancy, and all of a sudden get pregnant and become mad about it. In order not to have such a dramatic story, we will give you some recommendation how to prevent pregnancy and how to control it once you are in your 50s.

Women in 40s and 50s do not protection from pregnancy. Being pregnant at an old age can become a huge challenge to the woman’s life and to baby’s life also. However the way you should protect yourself and your partner from pregnancy changes as you get older.

Combined oral contraceptive pills can be a good option for women over 50s. The reason is that the pill contains estrogen and progestin, which are the hormones that somehow block the ovulation and prevent you from having a baby. Pills can have both negative and positive effect.  Positive effect is that they can regulate your periods and menstrual cycle. However most common side effects are weight gain and headache. Taking the pills can be a good option for non-smokers and healthy women.

Another option in this case is Progestin- only oral contraceptive mini-pills. These pills contain progestin but not estrogen hormones, which means that the cervical mucus becomes thicker and the uterine lining thinner so the sperm does not reach and fertilize the egg.  In order to make the mini pills effective in result, you have to take them every day on the same time.  The thing about these pills is that they may make your periods lighter and shorter, side effects include yeast infection, weight gain and unpredictable bleeding.

These kinds of pills are better for older women.

There is another quite good option, which is the vaginal ring.

It is a flexible, transparent ring, that is put on you vagina. The ring releases the same hormones, as the first pill we have introduces, so it blocks ovulation and alerts the uterine lining and prevents fertilization.

However, vaginal ring is usable for one month, after that it runs out of date.

Just like the pill, this vaginal ring will make you periods more regular; however, it does have side effects. It can increase the vaginal discharge, increase the weight and be a cause for headaches.

It is a perfect choice for old, non-smoking and healthy women. However, if you smoke, the estrogen hormone may cause you a cancer or migraine headaches, so if you smoke do not use it.

These were the best solutions for older women to protect themselves from pregnancy. It is really important for all the women to understand that protection is important. It is even important for older women, because sometimes, they think they are too old and will not be pregnant anyway, but all of a sudden, they learn they are pregnant, and become stressed out with that fact. Some do want to leave the baby but babies whose parents are really old have a big risk of having some serious health issues, or even if they are healthy, they may have some mental problems let alone that giving birth at the age of 50 is a huge risk for a woman also.

So be really attentive and insure you have right protection. Visit the doctor if needed.