Brief Introduction:

Bindi, popularly known as “okra” or ” ladies finger” is one of the most nutritious vegetables  grown in tropical regions of India. Its a flowering plant and is mostly valued for its edible green seed pods. Since Okra can be widely grown in various range of soils, it has become one of the most easily available vegetables in India. Not only is okra easily available, but also has great nutritional value.

Nutritional Value:

The nutritional value of 100 gram edible okra consists of:

  • 1.9 gram protein
  • 0.2 gram fat
  • 6.4 gram carbohydrate
  • 0.7 gram minerals
  • 1.2 gram fibers.

Health benefits:

  • The Okra pods have very low calorific value- 30 calories per 100 gram.
  • They contain no cholesterol and no saturated fats.
  • They are rich sources of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals(minerals such as calcium,magnesium manganese and iron.).
  • It is often recommended by nutritionists in controlling cholesterol levels in a human body and also for weight reduction programs.
  • They are rich in mucilage, a substance that helps in easing of constipation condition and helps in smooth movement of semi-digested particles through the gut.
  • They are rich in vitamin A.Vitamin A is required for maintaining healthy skin.
  • They have high amounts of anti-oxidants. These properties help in maintaining our visual senses.
  • They are rich in and flavonoids. Flavonoids helps to protect from oral cavity and lung cancers.
  • Fresh Okra pods are rich in folates which helps to decrease miscarriage.
  • The gumbo Okra pods are rich in anti-oxidant vitamin, vitamin C which helps human body develop immunity.
  • It also helps in reducing cold and cough infections.
  • It also protects our body from harmful free radicals.
  • They are also rich in B-complex group of vitamins.
  • They are also rich in vitamin K. It is required for strengthening of bones and helps in increasing blood clotting enzymes in our body.

Bindi Masala:

One of the most widely and easily made dish in all parts of India is Bindi Masala. It is shallow frying of okra pods with onions tomatoes and various spices. There are various methods of making this dish. I will be writing about the one which my mother taught me and which I have been making from almost six years now.

Basic Information:

  • cooking time: 25 minutes
  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • Servings: 3-4 people

Ingredients required:

  • Bindi/Okra :200-250 gms
  • Onion: One medium sized (finely chopped)
  • Tomato:Two medium sized(finely chopped)
  • Ginger: Half inch(grated)
  • Garlic pods: Two-three(crushed)
  • turmeric powder:Half teaspoon
  • Coriander powder: One teaspoon
  • Garam masala powder: Half teaspoon
  • Red chili powder: Half teaspoon
  • Oil:Two table spoon (for frying okra)
  • Oil: One table spoon(for onion and tomato gravy
  • Salt:To taste

Ingredients to garnish:

  • Coriander leaves:5-6(finely chopped)
  • Dry fenugreek leaves: 5-6(crushed)
  • Fresh coconut: half cup(grated)-Optional

How to make:

This Dish has to be prepared in two parts. Cooking the Okra aside and making the gravy on the other side.

Cooking the Okra:

  • Wash the Okra pods, dry and wipe it with dry towel. Chop these pods into half inch pieces removing the stalk and the base
  • Heat 2 table spoons of oil in a pan. Once hot, add the chopped okra to it and immediately add salt over it and stir. Adding salt immediately helps in making the okra pieces non sticky to each other.
  • Saute it, shallow fry it till its completed cooked. Do not stir many times, once or twice is fine.
  • Simultaneously while okra is getting cooked you can make the gravy.

Making the gravy or the masala:

  • Heat one table spoon of oil. Add chopped onions, saute till golden brown.
  • Once onions are golden brown add chopped tomato, grated ginger, crushed garlic to it.
  • Stir once and let the tomato cook. Cover the pan in order to cook it faster.
  • Once tomato is cooked add coriander powder(1 teaspoon),  red chili powder(half tea spoon), garam masala powder(half tea spoon), turmeric powder(half tea spoon), and salt to taste. Mix well. The gravy or the spicy masala is ready.

Final Step:

  • Add the cooked Okra to the masala prepared.
  • Stir once and cook for one or two minutes while the gravy mixes well with the okra and add the crushed dry fenugreek leaves to the same for better taste.
  • Add chopped coriander leaves and fresh grated coconut(optional) for garnish.
  • Bindi masala is now ready to serve.


Bindi masala is best served with hot phulkas, hot chapatis and freshly made rotis. You can also try making Bindi masala by adding yogurt to it and serving it with steamed rice. Please do try this easy to make recipe at home while I come back with more recipes from my kitchen to yours.

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