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Looking young is really important for every woman who is growing up. To make the ageing process slower, girls can do many things. Some of them are just into surgery, the others are into different masks which will make them look young and help to have a better skin. Actually using masks is way better than doing surgery. In case of surgery who never know what the side effects will be. You may not get the result that you wanted and after all you may end up looking even worse than ever. In case of surgery there is also a big risk that when you really become old you will have just the opposite effect of surgery. You will face a kind of situation, where the surgery does no help anymore and you start looking worse and worse. Besides surgery is more expensive also, while masks are quite cheap. There are really good masks for face nowadays made of different natural ingredients. They are ready ones that you can buy and also there ones you can make by yourself at home. Basically, some people do not trust the ones in the shop and that is why they make their masks on their own. Anyway, let’s see what kind of masks you can use in order to have a good and healthy skin and also to look younger.
The masks we will introduce are the best anti-ageing masks for face that you can make by yourself.
- The very first mask is the cocoa and milk musk. It is actually of the simplest masks to be found ever. You just have to mix the unsweetened cocoa and milk together and put on your face. Leave the mask on your face for about 10-15 minutes and then rinse it carefully. After this you will have a soft and smooth skin.
- The next mask requires the use of honey and oatmeal. Just make a mixture of honey and oatmeal and then put the mixture on your face. Leave the mixture on your face from 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. You will feel that after the mask you have a hydrated, smooth and soft skin, which prevents you from ageing.
- The next mask is the cucumber mask. For this one you need granted cucumber, apple juice, lemon juice and the white of egg. You just mix all these ingredients together and gently put over the whole face. Leave the mask on your skin for 20-30 minutes and you will see how smooth it eventually became.
- Banana mask can also be a good anti-ageing mask option, because banana is full of anti-ageing properties and vitamins A and E, which will slow down the ageing process. Just cut the bananas and mix it with a spoon of honey. Then gently put on your face and leave the mask on you for 30 minutes. After that wash the face with warm water.
- The next mask is also a really good one. It is made of oatmeal and buttermilk. You need to have 4 spoons of oatmeal and a spoon of buttermilk. Boil the oatmeal, add the almond oil and buttermilk. Put the mass on your face. Leave the mask on face for about 20 minutes and then clean it with warm water.
- Another stunning mask is made of strawberry and the white of egg. You just need to mash a few strawberries, then add the white of the egg and apply to your face. This mask is especially good for the wrinkled kind of skin.
- The last mask that we highly recommend you is made by apple and potatoes. Just grate these ingredients and make one mass. Then apply to your face and leave on face for about 20 minutes. Once you have done all these, just rinse the face with warm water. This one will reduce the age spots on your face.
These were the 7 best masks that we highly recommend you, which will make your face fresh and young. The best thing about these masks is that these are made of natural ingredients by you at home. So you will not worry about how natural the masks are. You will be sure about them. Besides it won’t cost you much time or money to make the mask, while other may spend lots of money and time on choosing and buying the masks and still not being sure about the result.