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Parenthood is very important in life of everyone. Many men say they are not the family type or they do not want to have children. However when men reach at certain age they start to feel the need of becoming a parent. For different people this age is totally different. It depends on how mature you are and on how old you are mentally. However, some people become fathers at really young age which ruins their whole plans and future. This usually happens while they are 18 or even younger. This is not the right age for becoming a parent for sure so now let’s discuss which age is the best age for being a father.
Actually this is very controversial and not fixed at all. You may be 21 years old but you may feel much more mature than those who are 30. This is just all about how you were raised up or the way you lived your life. If you are responsible enough then you can get married around 23. However, this age is really young for marriage or for fatherhood.
In reality fatherhood is a big responsibility. It is not only about having a fun night with your girlfriend. You have to think carefully about the consequences as well. If you are suddenly becoming a parent and a father you may be stressed out and shocked, just because it is really a big responsibility.
Fatherhood is also related to the fact whether you are ready to change the whole lifestyle of yours. If you are ready to change your whole life you can for sure be a father and a parent. However, this is not really risky. When you are becoming a father before you are 23 then you still are not so mature and you still want to see the world, have fun and try many things. You want to make you a good career as well. This is the age when a person makes him a person and makes his career. This is the age where you just experience the life. Thus this is very risky to have your children before you are 23.
After 23 up to 27, you are more or less stable. You probably have already tried many things in your life, and if you feel that you are ready to devote your whole life to your family, then just go for it and try.
The age after 27 to 30 is just the perfect age for becoming a parent. If you really want to become a father, then this age is when the man becomes responsible and is ready to enter to a new stage of life. This is also the best age for marriage.
After 30-35 you can still be very good for being a parent. You will be very stable, will have a good career and will be able to devote yourself to family life. This age is the most common age of fatherhood in European families. Usually people who are older than 30 they already kind of feel in rush and try to have children as soon as possible.
After 35-40 is the age, in which people just realize they want to become father, but they did not still become. So they just try to do everything in order to become fathers and to have babies. This age is kind of already old, but still is possible for having a child.
When you are older than 40 then things are much harder for you. This age is already quite late for having children. You can still become a father, but the age gap between you and your child will be too much. Besides, having children when you are quite old may have a negative result on the health of children as well.
After 50 it is already very late. Some people become fathers at this age, but this is really rare.
So as you see you can have children almost at any age, because you are a man and you are not the one to give birth. However, you should take into consideration the age gap between you and your parents. Also pay attention to how responsible and ready you are for fatherhood.