With the mother’s day, which is celebrated on 14 of May in USA, we all start appreciating our mothers, who are doing so much for us. With all of the celebrations and flowers which we buy to our mothers as a sign that we admit the importance of their roles in our lives, one thing our mothers always wait from us is something else. If you have spent your last dollars on buying a gift to your mother, she will surely appreciate that, but there are some other things our mothers will always value more.
Sometimes we think that spending money on a present gives a value to it and that’s all we usually do, but mothers are the ones to whom you should present your time as well. Remember? She has carried you inside her for 9 months, didn’t sleep for dozens of nights to feed you and well, we all will agree that just counting the list of things mothers do for us is not just enough.
That is why on that special Mother’s day, all you have to do is to think of something not ordinary (you can always present flowers to your mother, no need to wait for the Mother’s day).
- A couple of hours from your time – We accept that nowadays we are all being busy with work and lessons. And if combine those with the social media stuff, like spending hours on your Instagram feed, scrawling up and down, uploading new pictures and liking and waiting for response likes – that’s well, sometimes can be interesting, sometimes irritating, sometimes a sign of an addiction. Whatever it is, the best thing you can do is to announce one day “free from phone” day. Turn off the devices that you have and spend a mother- daughter/son day. Go to shopping, watch a film, play a game, prepare a breakfast and lunch and dinner together. Finally, discuss everything in your life. By getting older we all realize that mothers are the ones who always will give that piece of advice we need, that smile we care for and that motivation we always seek for. Don’t waste your time on things which won’t feel your hearth with warmth. Your time, that one day and the attention that you will pay to your mother will be one of the most best presents you can ever give to your mother.
- Make sure she knows that you love her – Sometimes we are being too taciturn and are holding the words inside us, not letting people know that they are dear to us. And this is especially with the case of moms. Most of all, mothers need to know that sometimes the crazy things we are doing have no connection with our feelings and never define them. Don’t miss the chance of saying your mother that you love her. It will definitely make her day. Believe me, hearing that once again is an amazing gift. If you are that person who is just unable to be that cute and say “Mom, I love you” words, then just prepare something yourself. It may seem childish, but mothers always appreciate everything on which you spend your time and do with your heart. Make a card with some papers, or check some DIY ideas on YouTube and you’ll surely find many interesting ideas.
- Little things that matter – After all, you should remember that it’s little things that really matter. Making the morning coffee and bringing it to your mother while she is sleeping or maybe just washing the dirty plates would be enough to show that you care. Those small things will take maximum of 5 minutes from you, but will bring a joy to the day of your mother.
The power of mothers
Ever wondered how do mothers take that energy of managing everything and doing everything right? We all had once asked ourselves where is that motivation and energy coming from. And sometimes the only explanation to this is them being mothers. It’s us. It’s our connection that becomes the power of women. And this is the power that always makes mothers to be what they are:
- Caring – you can hardly find anyone else in the world, who can care more than your mother does. She gave you birth, which is enough to understand that she will do everything else for you.
- Giving their love and life to you – Many times, mothers are devoting all their lives to their children. In case you are one of that children that has seen the whole life devotion of your mother, you should stop taking it as granted. Realizing that mothers should have their own life and that they are not obliged to give all their life to you is essential. Still mothers are mothers and they do give everything they have to us, starting from time to love. The only thing left for us is appreciating it and not taking that devotion as granted.
- Giving you family – The idea of family has such an essential role for all of the cultures and countries. By giving you birth, mothers are also giving you your family, a place where you find yourself, obtaining character, becoming a part of something and, yes – living. In other words, they are also giving you the sense of feeling and being the part of the whole, the society, country, world. And this is priceless.
After all of the above mentioned points, do we have to continually mention that the only thing we have to do is to stay the power of our mothers? Each time you are making some choices, put your priorities in the right places. There are being so few people in our lives that truly love us and are near us in each situation. And one of those few people in the list are always being mothers. Don’t shorten your list because of the things which do not have any value. Love your mothers and don’t waste even a minute, just let them know that they are loved.