(c) Can Stock Photo / peshkova
Another very interesting topic took our attention today. The topic is all about creative and cultural entrepreneurs and how it is like becoming a cultural entrepreneur. First of all being a cultural entrepreneur is a very complicated phenomena because most of the people do not understand what cultural entrepreneur is like and what the meaning of it is. Well, what you should know about cultural entrepreneur is that actually he or she is someone who appreciates art. When people love art they try to do anything so as to make art develop more and make it progress in the region. What else you should know about cultural entrepreneurs is that actually they want to make money on art. Of course it is quite natural that people want to make money on art because it is something that the high class normally appreciates. Besides this it is so great that people can actually devote their activity to art and make it develop. Another sign of the coin is that actually people who create the art, that is the artist must also live on something and it is impossible to create art forever if there is no money in it. Let’s take an artist who is a very talented one but who cannot make money because he is not paid in the theatre because there are no theatres in the region where artists can be paid. Of course the artist will continue playing but when he understands that there is no potential in that sphere he will just stop it and do something which he can live on. That is exactly the reason why many talented people live their jobs related to art and do something else so as to gain some income and to be able to survive. Actually we cannot blame such artists and when it comes to cultural entrepreneurs then we have to admit that they are a great help to these kinds of artists because they provide them with job and employ them.
- Now we are going to discuss how you can become a cultural entrepreneur. Well in this case you have to choose a sphere of art and culture that you are interested in. It can anything from music, cinema, theatre, recording studio etc.
- Another thing that you should be able to remember is that once you find a place where you will have your culture site you should find the right people. For example if it is a theatre then you have to find great actors to play in it, and not only actors but there is a huge group of people who should work there with lights, with costumes etc. It is even more important to find the right director.
- Another thing to remember is that you should advertise and promote your culture in a right way. It is really important to have the right promotion and marketing strategy so as to be able to succeed and have the tickets sold. If your tickets are not sold out then there are certainly some problems. We do not say that all the tickets must be sold out but at least you have to have a good rank.
- Another very important issue on becoming a creative and cultural entrepreneur is that actually you should gain a lot of contacts. Contacts are really important when it comes to cultural and creative entrepreneur because in the world of art a lot of things are interrelated and just work on you contacts in this sphere. Be open and be positive because this is something that most of them like.
These factors are the key ones to know on becoming a creative and cultural entrepreneur. Another very important issue here is actually to remember that this is not the only way to become a cultural entrepreneur. Culture is such a broad and wide phenomena that it includes so many things in that one word. The tourism sphere is so largely connected to the culture that it is just impossible not to think about tourism and making money on this. You can also be involved in protection of one of the cultural heritage sites in the region and thus become a different kind of cultural entrepreneur. Actually sometimes being cultural entrepreneur is also related to being a social entrepreneur because the entrepreneurs start helping some cultural sites so as to reconstruct them, renovate them and represent in a new way. So in this way we can tell that being a cultural entrepreneur is really a complicated thing but it is important and if there are people who want to become cultural entrepreneurs then they should become. No matter which branch of this new sphere you choose do it well and be creative because you already know from our articles how important it is.