Armenian cuisine is absolutely favorite for many people around the world. In fact Armenians having a long history have a very ancient cuisine cultures which passed from generations to generations, and nowadays, in twenty first century these food habits and traditions are still kept, and moreover, they are a daily reality of many Armenians all around the world.
Today we will give you the recipe of lahmajo. Lahmajo is an Armenian dish, which goes back to antique times. However, it is very popular now. The word lahmajo, is deprived of the word “lahm”, which means meat in Arabic.
Lahmajo is often called to be the Armenian pizza, just because of the layer, yet it is very unique and will not remind You of Italian pizza.
It is very appropriate for eating in fast conditions so it can be regarded as fast food.
To make it we have to have by our side
- beef meat,
- 1 Kg. flour
- 1 onion
- 2 tomatoes / 2 big spoons of tomato sauce
- 1 green pepper
- 200g mixed types of greens
- Salt, black pepper, garlic
- Half teaspoon soda
After having all these ingredients it is time to make this unbelievably tasty dish.
You add flour and make a pyramid of the flour you have. Then you make a dot in the middle where you put boiled water with soda and salt. After that you mix the flour until it becomes dough. You have divided the dough into not very big balls and leave them 30 minutes.
To make the staff we need to have the beef meat minced, and only after that we shall add the onion which is neatly cut, then we chop mixed greens, green pepper, tomatoes, garlic and add to the mass we have.
After the stuff is also ready,, we take the dough balls, roll the pastry, slice the meat staff on all over it, and then put into oven under the temperature of 170-200 degrees and then it wait until it becomes a little bit crispy and make sure that everything is properly cooked.
As you have probably understood it is not so hard to make, but it is really delicious, and is healthy unlike other fast food items. You will eat our fingers with that also. Usually Armenians eat lahmajo while drinking “tan”. “Tan” is an Armenian drink made of Armenian sour yogurt “matsun”. “Tan is a perfect match to this dish”
The lahmajo is very easy to prepare. What refers to nutrition qualities, then we have to mark that it is not so nutritious and is considered to be a junk food.
The timing of preparing lahmajo will be approximately 30-40 minutes. Hope you will like it.