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Bags are one of the most exciting topics for absolutely all the women. As we know bags were always regarded as something being more for women than men. Nowadays also this stereotype is not broken that much and some people really think that men cannot and should not wear bags. Some women think that bags make men look awkward and kind of feminine, while some men think that if they wear bags they will look like women, and they will lose their masculine sides. They think that they will look unattractive for men and that women will stop paying attention to them and liking them. However, this is a very fallible opinion which is not backed up with any fact. Men can wear bags because today there are some really cool bags, designed both for men and women and moreover, there are also the ones designed for only for men. On the other hand, women think that the bags that are designed for women only are much more attractive for them, then the unisex ones. They think that wearing the unisex bag will make them look like completely men. This is also not right, as some of the unisex bags are really cool both for men and women.
However we think that when it comes to men, they are more likely to wear the unisex bags than women. Women bags are really good, and women are given quite large options when it comes to bags. However men are not so rich in bag choice.
So now let’s see what kind of unisex bags there are among the unisex bags and are they good or not.
The most popular type of unisex bag is definitely the backpack one. This version is suitable both for men and women. The unisex backpacks are usually designed in neutral colors such as blue, black, white and grey. Therefore there are no problems with this kind of bags for men or for women. However, the backpacks are usually very practical and are worn while hiking or while doing some long walks in nature.
The sport kind of bag is also quite popular and famous unisex bag, and is worn by both men and women. However this kind of bag is extremely popular with boys. Women are so much into this kind of bag. Even if women wear sport or gym bags, they like to wear not the ones which are designed by unisex color, but the pinky ones.
The next unisex bag option is the messenger bag. This one is again worn by men more than by women. Women use this kind of bag more for the lap top or for some working duties. However you will very rarely see a woman who holds messenger bag. The messenger bag is really good for working. For men this option can work quite well.
The last type of unisex bag is the briefcase. Women do wear briefcase but they do it for business options again. While men actively use the briefcase in every sphere of life.
As you can see there are quite few unisex bag options. The reason for this is the fact that the bags that are designed for women only are really beautiful and quite nice. There is no sense for women to wear the unisex bags. Those women who want to look very stylish usually wear quite expensive women bags and not the unisex bags. However, still there are some very stylish briefcases and messenger bags even for women. We think that women should wear the unisex bags, but more for business issues and not daily. The unisex bags can make the women look uninteresting. While when it comes to men, then we would definitely advise wearing unisex bags because the bags that are designed only for men can be too boring. While the unisex bags can have some interesting vibes and can break the boring feeling of men’s bags.
Besides this,no girl likes seeing messy boys. So if you are thinking about whether to keep a bag or not, then we would tell you that you would rather keep your staff in bag then just hold everything on your hands.