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Are the unisex T shirts good for girls or not. Should girls wear unisex T shirts or they should not? This is a question we often ask ourselves. Actually this is a very controversial issue. Some girls really want to look feel comfortable and cozy, and the menswear and particularly T shirts are the only ways to feel so. However if you think about the issue from the other side, some women are scared of wearing men’s T shirts, just because men’s T shirt is the thing which looks like things designed only for men. In our previous articles we have discussed many times the history of unisex clothing. The unisex trousers and shirts appeared as a result of the rise of women’s role in society. However If you observe the issue closely, if you go deeper and deeper into the topic and talk to many women who like unisex clothes, most of them will tell you that they are not really into unisex T shirts? Why is it so? Why do women who really like and wear unisex clothes, do not really want to wear unisex T shirts?
Yes, some women are really extremely scared of wearing T shirts designed both for men and women. SO now let’s understand the reasons and let’s discuss should women in reality wear T shirts designed for both men and women or not really?
So the very first reason why women are scared to wear unisex T shirts is that the unisex T shirts usually look more like T shirts for men than women. Smart women love unisex clothes, but it does not mean that they want to look like men. While the unisex T shirts remind us of T shirts for men, and the majority of women are really scared of them. They just do not want to look like men. These women are those kinds of women that praise the unisex clothes, but they also think that everything should have some limits.
Let’s be honest. The unisex T shirts are not really attractive. If a woman wears T shirt designed for women, she looks very feminine and soft, which is really awesome and enchanting. While the woman who wears unisex T shirt, kind of loses her feminine side, becomes unattractive and loses her charm as well. This is not something that any women would like.
Women for sure like looking stylish, fashionable and being in trend. They really like the unisex clothes that will keep their feminine side but also will give interesting vibes to their looks. Among them are the unisex shoes, the unisex shirts, the unisex hand watches but no way the unisex T shirts. As we already mentioned, most of the women find that the unisex T shirt does not indicate their feminine sides.
However, the biggest and giant plus of unisex T shirt is the fact that it is more comfortable than anything else on this earth. The unisex T shirt is really very comfortable and nothing can replace it by its comfort. So many women just wear it for comfort and for feeling cozy. Some are really in move all the time and they just need to find something as comfortable as the unisex T shirt. They do not really care about their looks.
So our advice for you is that you should not wear the unisex T shirt if you want to look feminine and stylish. There are many unisex clothes that are way more interesting and look better on women than the unisex T shirts. We would recommend that those girls who really pay attention to their looks, to find something more feminine than unisex T shirts. They will not make you more colorful or sexy, but just the other way. They will make you look reserved and uninteresting. However we think that women can wear unisex T shirts when they are holding some maintenance at their houses and they just need to move and have freedom. In this case there is no need for them to worry about their looks.
If you want to have unisex cloth for the upper part of your body, then you just choose the unisex shirt, but not the unisex T shirt.