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Getting STDs, that is sexually transmitted diseases, is a real disaster and nightmare for absolutely anyone. Unfortunately this problem becomes even more and more spread among the teenagers and many teenagers suffer from STDs year by year. This is a very sad fact, because actually there is a way to avoid the disease and to protect yourself, however, not many teenagers are mature enough to understand all. Many teenagers do not realize that STDs is really possible to gain and to have. So for this you have to be very careful. The problem is that not many teenagers are aware of STDs or even if they are aware, they overlook the problem and the importance of it.
The statistics show that most of the teens get STDs not even knowing about existence of these kinds of diseases. This means that there are some problems with teenager education, awareness and knowledge. In order to escape from such kind of dangerous and fatal problems the teenager really need to be educated on sexual issues and know much about these things. That is the reason why in many European schools children are having subjects on sexual topics.
People can get STDs by oral, anal or vaginal sex and this is really dangerous for the teen. This does not usually happen when the sex is protected and when you use condom, but this happens when the sex is not protected. So the teenagers should really be aware of the importance of protecting from sex and using condom because this prevents not only the STDs but also teenage unplanned parenthood, which very often becomes a huge problem for teens.
Many teenagers who are aware of the possibility of STDs think superficial of the importance of condoms and protecting from sex, because they think that they can easily identify who has sexually transmitted disease who does not. SO all they think is that the look can reveal about it and they just will not get in contact with the one who looks to be having the disease. This is however, very fallible.
Most of the teens also are afraid that the tasting centers will tell the parents about the disease and that is the reason why they do not want to apply for tests. However, many states do not really tell parents about this and keep the privacy. On contrast with this, some state laws require to let the parents know about this. Anyway, teenagers need to know that passing the test and having proper treatment is extremely important.
Teenagers are sometimes hearing different kind of controversial information and they are being lost in their thoughts. In reality the use of condom is a very effective way to ensure that you will not get STDs. In order to ensure yourself from these diseases you just have to use condom always and all the time. Besides, this, as already said before the use of condom will help you a lot to avoid the teenage pregnancy which in reality is something that destroys the life of both teenage parents and the baby as well. So in order to prevent all these sad fatal accidents, you have to simply use condom and that is it.
Actually, this problem is not only the problem of teenagers only. Sometimes it is about the parents. Some parents do not discuss the sex issues with their children. However, this is extremely important to discuss sex with both teenage daughter and son. The discussion helps them to have knowledge about it and can prevent them from many unwanted diseases. Besides this, there is another important issue. Sometimes it has to do a lot with the education as well. This means that governments should think about having compulsory sex education at schools where children can learn all about sex. So as you see the very first important thing here is about education and then it is about the responsibility of the teenagers. They should also realize the importance of their acts and how they can prevent the unwanted diseases.
The sexually transmitted diseases are very dangerous and everyone should use condom and be protected in order to avoid such fatal diseases.