(c) Can Stock Photo / olechowski
Advertising has become such a popular way for the companies to become famous. Well it is obvious everyone will use those marketing tip to get more people’s attention and more benefits. Most of the times those advertising tips can be very different – starting from video ads to banners and posters and so on. And all of them have their specific effect on the development of the company and its branding. With all of this in mind many companies try to be as creative as they can in order to be unique and to be loved by the people. However sometimes this can just not work, as companies also go to clichés and make their ads non beneficial.
Some of those clichés are:
That 99 cents in every Ad
Not up and not down- right 99 cents, this is what makes people mad about it. This was a marketing trick used several years ago, which used to have a good effect, because when people are about to buy something and when they see the price of 5.99 dollars or 6 dollars, they make more purchases when it’s the first case. Though they are not even realizing that they are paying the same amount of money. However, nowadays, people do pay attention to those kind of things and those advertising tips seems to be so old.
But wait… ads
If you are writing the scenario of your ad, please don’t include the phrase “but wait” in it. Most probably some 60 percent of the ads have this phrase, saying – “but wait…, if you do this you will get additional bonuses, if you buy now, if you call now”. Those phrases are really already driving people mad.
That special sales only for a limited time
Really? When an ad says that they are selling only on a limited time, you just want to go to them and ask, really? Of course, every product will be sold for some period. And do you really mean that if I don’t buy it now, you won’t sell it to me after 5 minutes? Good, then just escape that phrase too.
Product and ad connection is low
We all have seen those fantastic ads that contain many interesting scenes, are wonderfully shot and maybe are funny too. However, there are so many of those that you watch and in the end you are about to ask: so what was this ad about? Those are the ads that keep such a low connection between the product and the ad. And in this case, people have to guess which is the product and what was it that the company was advertising. So make sure you are including good scenes and keep the scenario interesting but also related with the product that you present. Otherwise, why do you really need that ad?
Our business is old
Have you noticed that there are so many ads telling about how long they are in business? Well, if you just think that telling since when you are in business will help the customers come to you, you are mistaken. Most of the times how old your business is, doesn’t require you to be professional or qualified, so just don’t put your target only on that.
“Are you tired?” – ads
Well, you have most probably also noticed those ads where they are starting with “are you tired of…?” and keep going on with their suggestions and products. Well maybe we are really tired of the other products but we are also tired from you asking whether we are tired or not. So, please don’t ask that to us.
Mentioning the competitor companies
Honestly, mentioning your competitor companies is just a cheap trick to involve more people. Just saying that your products or services are better than the ones that your competitors provide is really not enough for gaining more clients. So just go on and be more creative here. Don’t mention your competitors because in that way you are doing an additional PR for them. Remember, even black PR Is a PR!
Last chance Ads
This is your last chance, hurry up – those are phrases by hearing which people do not just leave their stuff and run to you to buy something. On the contrary, people are really tired when you are telling them what to do. If you can, then just present your product or service in a creative way and people will decide themselves whether they should hurry up to buy it or not.
Don’t write out number, just remember it
Last but not the least, the types of ads that are telling don’t write our number, just remember it. So, what do you really want? To check, how good we are from memorizing numbers? Well, do not repeat this sentence never and ever again. This is so out of use nowadays and so cliché. Don’t come back to it again. People will write your number or not this is just another story. All you have to do is just not using this cliché any more.
As we have already said, clichés are really driving people mad. We all are waiting for something impressive, something new and surprising. Can you do that? Then go on, create your amazing and creative ad and just make us surprised. We are waiting for your ad impatiently.