Cancer Zodiac Sign
The Cancer Zodiac personality is fascinating for several reasons. Any person born within June 21’st till July 22’nd falls under the Cancer Zodiac sign. The symbol that summarizes the character expressed by these individuals is the Crab, which is well known for its uniqueness.
- Planetary force: Moon
- Visual color: White
- Duality status: Receptive
- Tarot card: The Chariot
- Earth Element: Water
- Astrological quality: Cardinal
Uniqueness of Cancer Zodiac Sign
Besides his large heart and incredibly high emotional intelligence, a Cancer still feels the need for identity and security. Cancers are like Scorpio and other water signs in that they can bare their hearts and bowels to someone they love and trust. They do not form superficial relationships, they utilize their zodiac strength in forming deep emotional bonds.
Like the Crab, a Cancer is prone to being overly sensitive and insecure. Their love for stability and safety could cause Cancers to create very welcoming homes where they can feel at ease. If anything happens to override the physical and emotional comfort in a Cancer’s house, he becomes unable to concentrate on anything else.
A Cancer holds on to relationships as firmly as his animal spirit does. Even though he easily feels insecure, he is unwilling to let go of persons he loves. He prefers to keep his loved ones around him, care for, nurture, and provide for them. Cancers are also very sensitive to the needs of the people they love.
Most Cancers are introverted, and like the Crab, they have formed thick skins with which they confront life’s challenges, and when they are overwhelmed, they retreat into their ‘shells.’ Cancer can also be moody when they feel unloved and alone.

Things That Cancers Like
1. Loyal Acquaintances
As is Cancers’ character trait, they also love loyal friends who would keep their cherished secrets. Just like the Cancer, who can take a bullet for a loved one, they also like it when someone can repay their dedication and do the same for them. It is no wonder then that the Cancers are the zodiac sign most devoted to care and empathy.
2. Appraisal
Cancers usually don’t seek attention for themselves, but if they get to be put in the center stage where they are applauded and celebrated, they greatly relish the feeling. So, truly appreciating Cancer is one of the best things you can do for them.
3. Discussing Past Events
Numerous Astronomers have agreed that Cancers are very interested in studying historical events and biographies of famous persons in history. Cancers seem to draw on the wisdom of the past as inspiration for their present-day lives.
4. Treasures
Cancers show an unusual attachment to some possessions they own. It is usual to see a Cancer still in control of a toy, antique, e.t.c. that they were given while they were still children.
5. Their Abode.
The way a Cancer cares for their home would make you think it had a religious significance, but Cancers love their home trimmed, primed, and in tip-top shape for nurturing their family. Cancers also love children and do all they can to make any child comfortable in their home.
6. Money
Cancer’s hate poverty, and this is the reason why they acquire many possessions. From their young age, they actively engage in the financial sector and purchase assets that would multiply their income in the future.
Things Cancers Dislike
1. Pessimism
Cancers detest any appearance of negative thinking. They are prone to getting into a mental condition if too much negativity is prevalent around them.
2. Fear of the Future
This is the reason why most cancer individuals keep foods and money saved up for the future. They do all they can to prevent the worst from happening in their lives. This is also why they do not let go of old relationships, properties, and anything else they own. They believe that they could need those possessions for the future.
3. Wickedness
Cancers hate wickedness and injustice. It might be that someone was treated unjustly or oppressed; Cancer’s would desire to help such a person and moan over the situation if it is one in which they cannot help. To a Cancer, life is sacred and must be treated as such.
4. Being alone
The typical Cancer fears being alone more than they fear being without possessions. They are at their best where they are surrounded by people who would show them love and care.
5. Discussing their personal lives
Although a Cancer can use great patience to find out all he wishes about a person, the Cancer doesn’t feel secure discussing his personal life with others.
Cancer in Love
Just as a crab walks sideways, so do Cancers when they are confronted with a proposal for a love relationship. They are often shy about revealing their true feelings, but they do not leave any stones unturned when they eventually open themselves to loving someone.
They commit themselves to that special someone and look to building a suitable home with all zeal. Because a Cancer can love deeply and generously, they would be hurt if their spouse shows disloyalty in the future.
Given their highly emotional nature, Cancers are very honest about how deeply they feel for a spouse, and they display this by often putting their convictions, finances, health e.t.c on the line. Theirs is one of the purest forms of love on display. However, Cancers can easily get stuck with abusive partners because of this trait of theirs.
Cancers love to feel needed and valued. So, they would naturally thrive in a relationship where their partners pay attention to them, reassure them of their love, and constantly appreciates them.
Cancers and Family
Living with Cancer can be tricky because one would have to deal with his mood swings and insecurities, but generally, it can be quite an adventure. It is a known fact that Cancers brood over and take their family relationship to heart. They care excessively for everyone they love and are always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need.
The catch here is; despite all the love a cancer is capable of showing, he can easily get hurt when neglected, overlooked, or ignored by family or friends. A Cancer can perceive a little matter such as; a sibling refusing to spend time with him as neglect. So, it takes much understanding to deal with Cancers.
Cancer in Business
Cancers are hard workers; this is due to their security issues and their desire to own many possessions awaiting the future. They would naturally opt for any job that encourages creativity while guaranteeing wages and employment. Most often than not, cancers do not mind moving from one position to another till they find one that is secure and enables them to use their organized, creative, and caring personalities.
Some jobs cancer might find interesting include: Interior Designs And Décor, Child Care, Teaching, Nursing, Politics, Writing And Journalism, Gardening, Online Sales Representative, Marine Biologist, Real Estate Agent e.t.c
How to Relate with A Cancer
1. Make him feel relaxed and comfortable with you. Whether you are meeting Cancer for the first time or not, be opened and relaxed with him.
2. Grow your relationship with them. Cancers would rather have few loyal friends than many loud-mouthed, superficial ones. So, spend time to grow your relationship with them.
3. Learn not to get offended with moody Cancer. Moody spells come occasionally and could be misunderstood. Therefore, you should help with moody Cancer and not lose patience with him.
4. Appreciate cancers for their show of love. Thank them for their efforts, display of affection, and so on. It does mean a lot to Cancers when they are appraised.
Advice for the Cancer Sign
As cancer-signed individuals, you have many strengths. You have to find them out while also working toward correcting your flaws. Beginning with your insecurities, reach out to truly important friends. Not minding that you feel neglected by these persons or not, teach yourself to know that your worth shouldn’t come from how people take you and how you value yourself.
Work on your mood swings and try not to get angry too often. While, if you happen to be oversensitive to what people think of you, remind yourself that you can only control yourself, not others. Receive criticism graciously, too, and you will have positioned yourself to become very successful.