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Creating and opening your companies blog can be another marketing plan you can use for engaging more people, which can later become your customers. However, things can not be that easy as just they are said. Most of the times you will need much more to be done then you can imagine. The same thing refers to the blog and its opening. There are several things you should do in order to reach a success with your blog. So, let us now start discussing them.
Define the goal of the blog
Before starting with the blog, make sure you know why are you opening the blog. Ask yourself those questions that can be of a help while making that decision: What should my blog give to the audience? What do i want my audience to get out of it? Those questions will help you identify the main goal of the blog, which, in its turn will show the direction you should move to. If you know the goal of the blog you will also know what exactly you should put into it, how to make the design etc.
Decide the purpose of it
Aftet defining the goal of the blog it is also important to decide the purpose of it. Do you want to create some kind of relationships with your customers? Do you want to get more traffic? Do you want your audience to be transfered into customers? These and many other questions will help you identify the purpose of your blog, thus showing you which path exactly you can choose. You can either be more promotional and talk only about your products in your blog, or be more informative, or to create DIY articles which can be of a great help to your audience. Whenever you decide your purpose of it, you will also be sure with the plot of the blog.
Create the necessary plot
When you already have the necessary questions answered and already know the direction of the blog, you can now pass to creating the blog plot. Make sure the blog articles are engaging and informative at the same time. Most of the blog artocles should be over 600 words, so make sure you are not having them written too short. This will ensure that you have included every necessary information into it and have created something valuable. Use call to action words and phrases to engage your audience. Let’s say you are discussing an event or an experience of something. Make sure you are asking your readers to share with you their experiences by commenting. This will help you better go to conversation with your readers.
Create editorial calendar
In order not to mix the dates of the publishing articles, make sure you are creating editorial calendar. This will help you in scheduling all of your articles. Besides, if you or your content writers are writing the articles beforehand, the calendar will remind you of the nearcoming events. There may be some events about which it is important to have an article on the blog. Having a calendar you will be sure that you are not missing anything.
Find professional blog writers
If you feel like you won’t be able to write articles frequently that means you should find some blog writers, in order to update your blog often. The frequent updates of your blog are important. That will show that you are actively involved in the blog and won’t let your readers wait a lot. That is why if you feel like not updating the blog frequently do not just let it go. Eventually your readers will get tired of checking your blog and won’t come to you anymore. Professional blog writers who know what keywords to use for each article, will make your tasks easier.
Promote it in social media
While you are writing your blog and keeping it active do not forget about sharing it via social media. Promoting your blog via official company pages would bring more traffic and more readers to your blog. In order to have more engagement through social media platforms do not forget to use proper images in blog as well as in social media. Choose the right time for posting and target your audience, the ones that will be interested in your blog post. If you have done a DIY article you can find some DIY platforms and share the blog article there. This way you will get more targeted views and be sure that your article will find those people who are really interested into the article.
Track the results
After everything is done, do not forget to track the results. You can start with analyzing the results with the help of those questions: How is the traffic going? – Are you having more and more visitors? Are they coming from the organic search or from social platforms? With the help of the answers of those questions, you will see if you are having a rise in your blog visitors. Analyze which kind of articles are getting more views and traffic. Check the engagement – see if people are engaged into your blog by commenting and sharing a lot or not. If not then maybe you should make the blog more interesting and engaging?
When done with all of these steps you will have a general idea how to continue with your blog, you will know which is of more interest and what should be changed in order to get more visitors. Do not forget that having a blog is a difficult task and what you need to do is just working hard for that. Keep it up and good luck.