(c) Can Stock Photo / Klementiev

Being entrepreneur is not an easy thing for sure. There are several things you just well about. Normally when you start a business you should write your business plan, you should then find sponsor or funding for your plan and set the business and make your plans come true. However, there is another thing that you must do for sure. That is you should think about the country where you are going to have your startup. It is really important to have the startup in the country which offers convenient conditions for startup.  So in this article we are going to discuss the countries which are the best for startups.

  1. The very first country to be included in the list of top 10 countries for startup is China, Beijing. First of all today made in China does not mean that it is cheap and lacks of quality. Instead, China has a tax relief program. China even set a fund for startups and year by year we hear more and more successful business stories coming from China. China has a rising economy and that is the reason why Beijing is among the top 10 countries for startups.
  2. Malaysia is another country which can be a really good option for startup. The thing is that the living costs in Malaysia are really cheap. Besides that Malaysia is a big market where there are 3 nationalities and if you make the startup in Malaysia then you can have 3 potential markets like China, Indonesia and India.
  3. Poland is also considered to be a great country for startups especially when there is a quite successful entrepreneurial history behind it. Such companies like Google have been attracted by Poland because it has larger internal market. Poland is especially good for some tech companies.
  4. Another country is Russia, Moscow. Moscow is good for entrepreneurs because thanks to Soviet education and system there are really good engineers and that’s is why you can take Moscow as an options. The connections of Moscow with Western part of the world is not so great and there is not much potential but anyway there is a large internal market.
  5. Another great country for startups is India, especially Bangalore. Why is it so inviting? Because the numbers of graduating engineers per year is quite impressive. Bangalore is especially interesting for tech companies. It can take several months to set the startup, the costs are not so high and also there are up to 10 startup events per year.
  6. Being an entrepreneur in Sydney is very well regarded and also there is a larger internal market. The ecosystem of Sydney is maturing and growing fast. The thing about is that actually most of the entrepreneurs work only for internal markets and if you have your startup there, the chances are high you can become great.
  7. Tunis is another place great for startup because the ecosystem is very young and the Arab spring was the turning point for it. SO if you want to start the business there, you get a lot of support and help. You can definitely think about Tunis as a starting point for your startup.
  8. Another place which is great for your startup is London. London is absolutely great because the investors reached 459 million dollars of funds into London’s digital sector. Tech nowadays is knows as something empowering the Britain’s economic growth. Therefore London is also a great capital for startup.
  9. Another great city for startup is actually Cairo, which annually produces a lot of quality graduates which function as brain in your startup. The country has low prices and therefore it can become a really good match country for your startup.
  10. Another great city is Sofia. Not a lot of people know about this but actually Sofia is the country with lowest income taxes( around 10 percent) and is one of the fastest countries in internet speed. Sofia is the home of such company as VRay and it is the hub now in the region, attracting new and new companies.


As you can see there are some great countries and cities for you startup and if you are not going to start your company in the country where you come from you can look up to one of those countries listed above. They have the reasons why they are great for startups. These countries give the entrepreneurs space to grow and the potential can be realized there easier than in some other countries. So if you are really interested in it and if you want to have your own startup, if you want to become great and succeed in your startup you can try to choose one of these countries. Location of startup is really important. Your plan and ideas can be great but the location may lead to failure. So be wise when you choose where to have your startup.