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It’s where you are starting your journey of pregnant women. Congratulations. We hope that you will have the easiest road through this journey and, after 9 months, when you reach the end of the road you will be a perfect mom and ready to see your baby. And for that, you have 9 months (enough for learning a lot) to get used to the idea of a future mother, learn everything about the diet plans during pregnancy and maybe a little bit about the breastfeeding period as well. This is all very good. And we are here to help you know even more. What we are going to discuss now is the use of sugar or fat high foods and their effect on you and your baby.
We should of course start it with a huge NO-NO, saying that sugar and fat high foods are the ones which should be totally omitted from the pregnancy diet. First of all, those can bring to an obesity, which during the pregnancy period may lead to complications not only to the mother’s health, but also to the baby’s. It may also disturb the whole process of pregnancy, leading to some problems even after pregnancy as well.
Things to avoid
The foods that you should avoid now include:
- Some packaged foods found at the supermarkets
- Frozen dinner
- Some cookies
- Margarine
Those foods usually contain some empty calories which are not easy to be digestive and your body is not ready to getting them. It’s also important to be mentioned that the fetal growth of your baby will be significantly increased, in case you are using much of these products.
Foods high in fat
You could already guess that there is also a list of foods which are high in fat and the use of which, if not omitted should be minimized. Some of those foods can be:
- Chocolate
- Cake or cup cakes
- Sugary drinks
- Vanilla ice-cream
Those are the part and most used things the amount of which should be minimized. If you don’t find yourself comfortable enough to quit them all together, that’s normal. The thing you should do is checking every time the total amount of calories you get from them and try not to pass the limit of the day.
Same refers to the coffee and tea: in case you are used to have them with sugar, try to minimize the amount of it, until you’ll totally be okay with not that sweet tea.
A useful advice
Read the labels every time you purchase something. As it is really important to follow to your pregnancy diet, make sure you know what you buy, how much calories it has, how high is the fat level in that exact product. Try to choose the one which is fat-free, make sure you are not buying something that will harm either you or your baby.
And, of course, with all of these things mentioned, don’t forget to go to your doctor as well. As each pregnancy case is different, and each mother is different, you may better have your doctor advice on the amount of calories you should take. In some cases, you may be told to totally escape the sugar, in some another cases taking a little bit of it. In any case, remember that your case is always different and never listen to other mom’s advice on this. Go to your doctor and become sure in your diet.
That’s mostly it. With everything else that we have just mentioned above, all you have to do is to try to understand your body and its needs. Feel yourself comfortable with your needs and don’t be too sticky to the idea that you are omitting something that you were used to have. We are sure you are doing it pretty good and will continue the same way, so just keep it up