Through the many decades of humans’ evolution it was thousand times proved that people tend to believe to many things and there is usually no difference whether those things are supernatural ones, invented or real. We tend to believe Gods, signs and of course astrology. And there are no negative things in that, taking into account that many of those things can sometimes be half real, or at least it’s us again that want to believe that they are. In any case, the Earth and its existence is a huge magic itself, so what else should be done if not just believe? Though, many scientific testing were hold, which couldn’t find any prove of astrological effects and mainly end up with some common connection to chance, however astrology still stays one of the most attention catching spheres, which needs so much of researches to be done on it.
Anyways, we still have the zodiac signs, brought forward by astrology which usually tell us a lot about our lives, the month, the day and, they also predict our future. This circle of 12 animals corresponds to the various periods of time and in their tern, they are grouped under the 4 elements, which are: first: fire, then comes air, after it earth and finally, water (3 under each element). These 4 elements in their turn decide the nature and personality of the human, depending under which element especially the sign of your zodiac falls. For example, if your sign of the zodiac is Gemini, you fall under the element of Air, which shows that the people under this element are positive and tend to have open communication with everyone. Below you can see the elements and the signs that fall under each:
Fire – Under this element we have: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
Air – Under this element we have: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Earth – Under this element we have: Taurus and Virgo and Capricorn
Water – Under water element are the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
According to this distribution, the signs which are under the fire element should be positive and passionate. They are very talkative and are full of energy, as it is specific to fire.
The signs which fall under the Air element are believed to be more thinkers, people who like analyzing and are more intellectuals. They can also be active, however mainly in the familiar atmosphere, they are always good friends and great advice givers.
The signs which belong to the Earth element are the most realistic people. They are believed to think on Earth, imagine and dream less and most of all tend to be more practical then the people of other signs.
And finally, the signs under the Water element are the ones who are the most emotional ones. They, however, can sometimes be very mystic and close, and all you have to do is just guessing what are they thinking about or what are they planning to do.
This was more of a general overview of the signs, according to the Elements, however each sign has its characteristic features, more specific to it. And some of those characteristic features are as follows:
Aries – March 21 – April 19
People who are under this zodiac sign are tend to be very active and risky. Those people are the ones that will try everything that others wouldn’t dare to. In other words, they are not afraid of living.
Taurus – April 21- May 20
Those people are realistic and predictable. People under this sign are so honest, that you will totally predict what is that person able to do/say and what not.
Gemini – May 21 – Jun 20
Those people are excellent thinkers and have amazing communication skills. The fact that they have that duality is correct, however it’s not often that requires them to be fake. It’s just their personality.
Cancer – Jun 21 – July 20
Those people who are under the cancer sign are very mystic and sometimes even changeable. The changes that may take and go to, will sometimes be surprising for other signs.
Leo – July 21- August 21
The specific thing to people under this sign is that they are always ready to protect people, their relatives and close people. Those people are usually having a lot of leadership skills.
Virgo – August 22 – Sep 22
Being very realistic, people under Virgo sign, are very good advice givers. They are always trying to reach some perfection and always work hard for that.
Libra – Sep 23 – Oct 22
Being good thinkers and analyzers, those people are good with finding solutions to various difficult situations.
Scorpio – Oct 23 – Nov 22
People under this sign are very emotional. All they want is giving and getting love from life, people etc. They won’t to be appreciated, to be loved passionately.
Sagittarius – Nov 23 – Dec 20
People who were born under this sign are extremely motivated and full of energy. Those people are very enthusiastic towards world and life. In other words, they love life and enjoy every single minute of it.
Capricorn – Dec 21 – Jan19
People under this sign like everything to be planned and organized beforehand. They don’t like making sudden decisions and changes a lot. Knowing how everything works and having plan is what they would appreciate first of all.
Aquarius – Jan 20 – Feb 18
Aquarius sign holders mainly prefer thinking, but go to adventures very often as well. They are considered to be thinking dreamers and the ones who make their dreams come true.
Pisces – Feb 19 – Mar 20
People under this sign are believers. They are the ones who dream and believe that even a fairy tale can be a reality and believe that magic will happen in their lives.
Though we are used to separate the zodiac signs and differentiate them according to some characteristic features, to their feelings or emotions, we should also take into account that this should never disturb us to love the people. We do usually take into account the zodiac signs and it may give us right directions about people and their characters, but with all of this we should remember that those things are the ones that differentiate us from each other and it’s time to start loving differences.