(c) Can Stock Photo / evgenyatamanenko
You are now gone through 8 long and short months and are now in the 9th month of your pregnancy? Congratulations. Whether or not you have followed the advice that we have given before, like how to create a diet plan during the pregnancy, you are now in your last month of pregnancy. This last month, when you have gone through many “Eat, or not eat-s” first thing we advise you is to relax and enjoy the last days. After all, pregnancy is not all about deciding what to eat/drink or what to escape drinking and eating. It is the time when you can feel the whole exciting presence of your child in you and feel how your baby is getting bigger day by day.
However, eating is still important and to make your life easier we’ll give you some advice about eating during the last month of the pregnancy.
Make your meal 5 times a day
May sound strange, but If you were taking a meal 3 times a day it’s a great time to make it even more and start eating 5 or even 6 times a day. And we are not talking about 6 meals with salads and a dish and fruits and… Wait. We are talking about having a fruit or a salad at a time. This is to ensure that your stomach is not left empty for a long period of time. Make sure those 5 to 6 times you are eating healthy stuff, like vegetables and fruits.
Proteins, vitamins and calcium
Foods which are full of vitamins, calcium and proteins are the ones which should be included into your list. Even if you have missed drinking milk or eating dairy products at first, now it’s time for you to start consuming them. As already mentioned, the foods which are rich with calcium are the dairy products. For getting enough vitamins you should get vegetables and fruits, especially: broccoli, spinach, carrots, tomatoes and strawberries. And for getting enough proteins you should go on consuming again dairy products, meat and eggs.
Salt and its consuming
It is advisable to reduce the use of salt during the last month of your pregnancy, as well as nuts which are salted, chips or canned food. As you may have known, salt has got an important role: it assumes that your body fluid is regulated. Thus, we don’t require the minimize the use of salt, just to reduce it from the foods which are not the natural way of getting it.
Walking as a vital part of your day
Eating 5 times a day and then just sitting whole day long may not only be boring, but also not healthy. Walking a little bit each day will help you to get rid of pains of constipation and get prepared for an easier delivery. It will also help in reducing the swellings, that may have appeared during the months of pregnancy.
Something you already knew or
We know that you know
As for the beginning, during the last month of the pregnancy, consuming alcohol or tobacco is especially not advisable. It’s the last and not least of importance month, and having consuming alcohol means you realize that you are effecting on the healthy development of your child.
Caffeine is another thing which is included in this list and we are here to repeat that name again: “Caffeine” – it’s just a little bit more, we believe you can survive without it this last month as well.
This is pretty much the whole information you should get for your last month of pregnancy. However, we never forget to remind you that the important thing now is enjoying: enjoy the moment, the happiness, the month and the new life that you are going to give a birth to. Take your gift of life of becoming a parent and enjoy every second of your last month pregnancy.