(c) Can Stock Photo / Bialasiewicz
Actually we see more and more pregnant teenager nowadays. In reality this had become a very painful topic for many people. The teenagers are always warned that they should think about their safety, otherwise there is a risk they will get pregnant. Sometimes teenagers forget about safety and as a result they get pregnant. Some teenagers really want to get pregnant and become a teenage mother. So the question is whether they should get pregnant or they should not get pregnant. Of course the teenagers should not get pregnant for variety of reasons, which we will discuss later. However, there is a situation, when the teenage girl found real love and they really want to get married. In this situation being teenager and getting pregnant is more or less justified. The baby will be raised in a full family and will have both mom and dad.
However, the problem about teenage pregnancy is that usually it is a result of just one mistake. As a result of unsafe sex there is a risk for the teenage girl to change the whole life and to be deprived of many things that her peers will enjoy. So in this case of course being a teenager and being pregnant is very risky.
We think that there are some reasons that are already enough for you to understand why you should not get pregnant while you are a teenager.
- First of all if you get pregnant as a teenager, then your parents will be mad at you. I am sure no teenager will like this situation of being the main topic of discussion in the family and also being a shame. Most of the parents regard the pregnancy of their teenage children as a shame to family.
- Teenager is still too young to give birth. Because of that your baby may have some defects and may be unhealthy. It is extremely difficult for teenagers to raise up a child. Just imagine if the baby is unhealthy and has some defects. This will be even more difficult. So think also about this. Not any mother can handle an unhealthy baby.
- Becoming a teenage mother will definitely change your body as well. So actually you may not be ready to witness these situations. You may not be ready to see weight gain, stretch marks. As a teenager you may keep a diet because of being afraid to gain weight. In this case there will be a risk for the health of the child. So you have to be ready to see how your whole body changes, you will have to adopt the hormonal changes and must be ready to see what pregnancy can change in your appearance. While as a teenager you are not used to seeing these kinds of things. You are sure that you will always be good looking and eat whatever you want. This is a real shocking moment for many pregnant teens.
- The next thing which may make you really sad is that your friends can be freaked out by the situation you are in and may leave you. Of course this is something very difficult for you. You will see your friends having great time together while you cannot even move. This is sad and annoying.
- Besides this you should also think about the dad of the baby. The father may also leave you because may be he is not ready to be a father. This depends on many things. If the father is a teenager then for sure he will fall into depression.
These things are very important to know before becoming a pregnant teenager. If you are a teenager who will get married, then things are kind of different for you. However, if you are not to get married and all you do is just for fun, then you really have to think about safety. Think well and protect yourself because as you see teenage pregnancy is a very hard thing to deal with and not every teenager is able to handle it well. You will have to change your whole life and grow up earlier than you should. I am sure not all the teenagers are ready for this. So you had better not get pregnant if you are teenager.