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Actually there are many things that both daughters and sons learn from their both parents. However, in reality there are things that mother cannot teach to her son. That is the reason why those sons who do not have fathers, or who did not see the fathers are being raised up usually wrong. In reality moms can be very careful and loving, however too much love and care kind of makes the guys be spoiled and besides makes them kind of girlish. So if you really want to have a good son then you must for sure let him spend some time with father. If it happened so that the son does not have a father, then there should be a guy who will talk to him and will take the role of father. So this means that fathers play a major role for their sons and there are many things by which the fathers cannot be replaced by mothers. Fathers are so necessary in order to teach sons many things. So now we will discuss the things that sons should definitely learn from fathers.

  • The very first thing that every son must learn from his father is being a real man. Women cannot so much teach the sons how to become a real man because no matter how much they read about it, they still cannot know much. Men only now how they can make the son real men. It is very hard for women to master the ways to teach all these things.
  • Men can teach the sons how to become strong. The strong does not only mean physical but also psychologically. They have to become strong and for that sons need fathers, because they better than anyone else can teach all these. Besides, they have to be strong physically also. Fathers know how to teach all these things and how to make them stronger better than women.
  • Another thing that father can teach their sons is to become courage and not to afraid. Mothers are weak by their nature usually. They love in soft way and always want to protect the children. However, fathers love them harsher and make the sons be courage and not afraid of anything. This is something that all the sons really need to learn from their fathers.
  • Besides these sons should learn haunting, fishing and these kind of activities from their fathers. Mothers cannot be busy with all these things, while women cannot do these things. That is the reason why moms are not involved in such activities usually.
  • Fathers should teach the son to the philosophy and make goals for him. The father should really teach him how to set goals and how to make them see the ways to reach their goals.
  • The fathers also should teach sons to being responsible. Being responsible is very important for guys, so it would be perfect if all the fathers taught their sons being responsible.
  • The next thing the father should teach sons is being real gentlemen and treating the women in right way. This is also very important thing to know for every son.

As you see there are many things that sons can learn only from men. The fathers also teach their sons to some issues connected to their gender. Women cannot only do this. Fathers also tell them more about girls and talk with sons about girls. Fathers actually just teach him to be a real good one. However a real good man is not something easy to get. It is really a combination of many qualities and features that is very hard to reach or get. However if the father is a good one, and really loves his son then he will succeed in making him a good man. If the son does not have father, ten women should find someone to take the role of father. It can be even the grandfather. Sometimes men really need men in order to understand and to discuss some things that cannot be discussed by women only.

So just take care of son and father relations, as they are very important and brilliant ones.