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The title may really sound interesting for many people nowadays. Most of the people do not really know that there are unisex colors in fashion. Well, the thing is that historically not all the colors were worn by men and women. There were always colors that were typical to women only, and wearing clothes of these colors was a big shame for men. There was also the other thing. They were colors that were used only by men and if women used those colors they looked kind of strange and awkward. When it comes to clothes, usually women were the ones who were strongly discriminated and who could not wear this or that kind of cloth. However, when it comes to colors, men were discriminated here. Even now there are some colors that the society does not accept and like to see on men, while women can more or less wear absolutely all the colors.

So with this articles we will try to find out what colors are considered to be unisex in fashion and should we have colors for men only and colors only for women. So let’s start now.

First of all the unisex colors are the kind of colors, that can be used in clothes by both sexes. Usually these are the colors that are not too vivid or bright.

  1. The blue color was always known to be a color for boys. However nowadays the blue color is viewed as something very unisex, and which can be used actively by men and women both. Nowadays women just love using the blue color, especially the light blue one. However, the balmy seas color is even more unisex. It is the lightest shade of blue, and goes perfectly with both men and women.
  2. The next unisex color is definitely the green one. The dark green is associated with men more than women. However, all the shades of green can be both for men and women, that is they can be unisex. However, the light leaf color green is just perfect unisex color for both sexes.
  3. The next color which is also very unisex is the yellow one. However, the dark yellow is more unisex than other shades of yellow. If the yellow is lighter than it is regarded as feminine color. The dark yellow is really a very fashionable unisex color for both men and women.
  4. It is no secret that white and black are absolutely unisex colors. There cannot be any color which is more unisex than the white or the black one. These are the only colors that the shades do no absolutely matter. All the shades of these colors are perfect unisex colors. They were unisex since the old times till nowadays.
  5. The brown color is also known as being unisex color. After the black and white colors, this is the next color that is absolutely unisex. In case of brown color, the shades do not matter again. Both men and women can wear any brown shade and still it will be unisex.
  6. The next color which is also unisex is of course the grey one. Any shade of grey is unisex and can match perfectly both sexes just perfectly, especially in clothes.


These 6 colors were the colors that are absolutely unisex and can be worn by both men and women. However not all the colors are unisex. As we know there are some colors that were traditionally used either by men or by women. Among those colors are the pink, the purple and the red ones. When it comes to light red or purple, some men do like wearing these colors. However these colors are regarded as feminine colors. When it comes to the red one, than we have to say that is absolutely a color for women. It is not really cool to see a man in red, however men can also use some little red accessories.

This is all you should know about the unisex colors and the unisex shades. Knowing all these things is very important, however we would like to say that do not pay attention to these rules and if you like to wear the color, just wear it no matter you are a man or a woman.

Ani Mkrtchyan, a child of 3 nation, editor-in-chief of fashion of TTM. She will help your with your fashion tips. SHe is not ony into fashion but she writes articles on serious issues also, like politics. SHe is a student of BS of Polticial Science. I am a young, enthusiastic girl, a hardworking and strong-willed one, who sets goals and tries her best to reach them and who wants to be professional in everything she does. My dream is to make a good career on my own and become a successful woman step by step.