Hair transplant. All about side effects.
We have already discussed the issue of hair baldness. Indeed it is a problem that needs quick solution for both men and women. We also talked about how men or women can treat the problem of baldness and make their hair grow. However, if you want to regrow your hair naturally then of course it will take much time. Some people are not tolerant enough to wait and solve the problem in natural way. In this case they try to solve the problem by the help of hair transplant.
The hair transplant is a dermatological surgeon which allows putting some hair on the bald parts of your sculp. Usually the people who go for hair transplant have no other option. These people are usually the ones whose hair boldness comes naturally. In other cases, usually most of the people try to solve the problem naturally.
The hair transplant is done in the following way. The doctor cleans the scalp, then by the use of special needle he numbs the part of your scalp which lacks hair. Then new natural looking hair will be transplanted in the place of holes. After the hair transplant your need to cover your head for several days.
Usually the procedure of hair transplant lasts from four hours to more. Usually it is not considered to be a very serious surgery and actually most of the people can go out after several days.
Many people actually think that hair transplant is a very big and painful deal. Some women and men are afraid of it because they think of it as something very dangerous and risky. In reality, there is no need to afraid so much, because the hair transplant procedure is done almost everywhere and is done in very high level.
However, the hair transplant really has some kind of side effects. However, the side effects that it may have are not that much serious and big.
- One of the side effects of hair transplant can be bleeding. This happens especially when the transplant is fresh and new. In this period you may face this problem, especially when your touch the transplanted part and push the hair.
- Infection may also be one of the side effects. This happens when you touch your head with dirty hands or because of other reasons.
- Temporary loss of hair of transplanted part may also be one of the side effects. This is quite natural because transplanted hair drops as a result of giving space to new ones.
- Unnatural looking of hair can also be considered as a side effect. No matter how much you try, still you can get hair very similar to your natural ones. Anyway they will stand out.
As you see the side effects are really few in number. So if you are afraid of side effects then, just be courage because they are not so harsh and no so big. The side effects also disseappear ove rhte time.
Nowadays, transplant is a very common and popular thing to do, in case of hair baldness problem. The hair transplant is mostly done by women, because women are more obsessed with their hair then men. They want to have their hair back as soon as possible, and that is why they apply transplant, because they are not tolerant enough to wait.
So if you are facing a dilemma over the issue of transplanting, and you are not sure to do it or not, then we would say that it is quite safe and there is no need to worry about it. Of course it would have been much better and safer if you treated your hair in natural way, but we all know that it may take some time. So just go for the transplant and do it, if you want to have hair on all over your head as soon as possible.