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Garbanzos. The exotic Cuban dish.

Origins: Cuban

Timing: 2 hours

Nutrition: high

Difficulty: medium

Have you ever heard about Cuban cuisine? I am sure that not really. That is the reason why we called it exotic. The dish is super exotic but at the same time it deserves to have lots of attention. Actually this is the first time we are making Cuban dish and this is really exciting. The Cuban dish is influenced a lot by the Spanish cuisine, once being colonized by Spain. At the same time it is a mixture of African and Caribbean cuisines. So unlike sophisticated cuisines such as the French one, the Cuban cuisine is all about good food and big portions. You can find lots of meat and rice in the Cuban cuisine. However, what we will make today is a unique dish that is outstanding even in Cuban cuisine. So let’s see what ingredients we have.


1 kg of garbanzo beans/ should be dried

3 medium Potatoes,

1 chorizo of Spanish style

3 yellow onions

1 small green pepper

1 teaspoon of paprika

Olive oil

1 yellow malanga

Lean salt pork

6 cloves of garlic

Tomato puree, ¼ cup


When you find all the ingredients, it is the time to make the dish.

Take the dried garbanzo, put them into cold water and set it aside overnight. Then next day start cooking them. Add some water, so that they will be fully covered, then add oil and put on fire. Bring it to the boiled, then reduce the fire and leave on fire for 30 minutes.

Then unpeel the potatoes and chop them into quarters. Chop the onions as well. Add all these into the garbanzo. Then add the chorizo, salt pork and malagna as well. Cook so much, until everything is cooked.

While it is getting cooked, take another bowl, add ¼ cup of oil there. Add the garlic, peppers until they get soft. After that stir in the tomato puree and paprika. Then add the mass into beans and boil all together for about 10 minutes. Season the dish with salt if you want.

The dish can be served with rice or without. That is completely up to you.

As you can see this is a really unique dish which is good to make during the big meetings with family. It will make everyone full and at the same time you will get lots of energy. It is not a beautiful high restaurant level dish, but it is tasty and makes you feel cozy. Besides the dish is rich in calories, and will give you lots of energy for the whole day.

So you can guess the nutrition level is really high. When it comes to timing, then it will take about 2 hours. However, note that you will have to put the beans to get softer under the cold water a day before. The difficulty level is medium. It is not that difficult but you need to have some experience in cooking.

Enjoy your first Cuban dish and be healthy.